People here frown upon miracle grow soil. The nutes are "built in" and time release giving the user no control. I use foxfarm ocean forest or root organic soil...then feed with maxsea
As for can't put them outside till after may 11 (mothers day) or they will just flower. You can...
I grabbed it this year...I hear it's gdp x erkle....
I got all my clones from harborside and BPG...
my list:
2014 clones
DHN choc hash berry ;Blackberry Kush x Chocolate Kush 60 days [dhn said it was the same as 'the white'
DHN 3x crazy ;aka Optimus Prime OG Kush X Bubba Kush X GDP 8...
That is what I hear about cherry pie...I got one this year so I will see first hand....
when I ran ken's gdp it didn't do well....never got big...
the federation romulan from harborside is wicked also DNH's Chocolate hashberry ...yum...
It's clone only. The seeds are not really blue dream...Some seed company trying to cash in on the name....It might be close, but it wont be the same....
OP: cherry pie genetics are not stable, they have been known to for yields its about average
I grew DHN's blue dream season...
my advice is grow during summer...
you are on your way to harvest a gram...enjoy....
you might be able to pull off something this time of year if you veg inside...
You have the trellis pulled tight? I use bamboo but i am also looking for a solution that will last more than two years....
i was lagging on pulling the trellis up and two plants split..i duct taped and started using a bit of pro-tekt kind of opened them up and I lost nothing...
(i know you said...
imo...once a plant had PM, you wont be able to kill it, unless you cull the plant...i refuse to use products that are know to cause health problems...(read: eagle 20)
i have done the milk thing/mildew cure/green cure...they might work for a bit...but it will always comeback....