id ask for help ,but i always ask how they figured out the answer. id much rather know how to figure out or do something myself. rather than just be fed an answer..also my answer may not be the best answer..hence why i ask for opinion.
i think people should stop asking how many of blank and try to do the math. figure out how many lumens umols ect you need per sqft. then figure out the output of said cob and go from there. i like to use lumens because most lights advertise the lumen output. and through testing it seems that on...
the only thing that matters to me. is the numbers.. just like when i build an engine.. i DGAF what it looks like or who the parts are made by. I want it to perform well and not break.
im gonna be frank. if your looking for what you get from a good dealer or a medical supply.. your gonna need more wattage. it comes down to Umol or lumens per square foot. and those little LED panels dont push the light hard enough to see fat nug's. if your gonna go with LED's check out the the...
i seem to find with LED its kinda like a PC you get the newest fastest thing. and a week later something better comes out. when I built my cxa set up. 3070's where the new shit(so new that drivers where hard to find that pushed 36volts).... then the 3590 came out about 3 weeks after i started...
fuckit then im gonna use a water fountain pump in a 5 gal bucket. a pc water cooling block and have a heater core stuck outside in the snow for the rad.
exactly and all i used to power my fans was a 12v charger. it can be anything above 250mah. should drive most pc fans. you can have any amperage output more than 250mah. the fans will only draw as much as they can use. you can control speed by using less voltage. if you go above 12volts itll...
So I currently have a cxa rig that was built using zap straps and some aluminum strips ...
ill be getting an 1825 "light engine" and a 185-54 driver from
rather than spend money on trying to build a new rig to hold all 3 cobs with the bright ass 1825 in the middle im going to go...
if i ran two of the same chips at the exact same wattage/voltage. but one was watercooled and the other one was just a heat sink. would you actually notice a measurable difference in how well the chips ran. "less power consumed". but more importantly would this translate to real world money...
i think i might just try doing a watercooling set up for my cobs. but the hard part is finding a water block that will fit and one that doesn't cost 50 bucks.. then ill just use an old heat core and toss it outside in the snow. its about -10 to -5 C right now... it should work well if i get a... how much could would be for you to get me a 185-54. don't care on model so long as it does 54 volts and around 185 watts..
if you already answered this sorry.. this thread gets more posts than a live nude cam of amanda bines