I will be doing my first grow in a garden worked for 50 years with NO fertilizer added during use (basic garden plantings, tomatoes, corn, etc.). I am assuming many/most of the nutrients have been depleted over the years.
Over the next few years I will be trying an assortment of different...
I will be doing my first grow in a garden worked for 50 years with NO fertilizer added during use (basic garden plantings, tomatoes, corn, etc.). I am assuming many/most of the nutrients have been depleted over the years.
Over the next few years I will be trying an assortment of different...
Havent picked the strain yet (am limited to those that resist mold due to excessive humidity). Just noticed in researching that some are stated to "mature" in eight weeks. I was taking that as the entire growth cycle (birth till harvest) would take 8 weeks. Perhaps that is the problem...
Problem: Planting outdoor in MO USA, planned probably April. Plants known to mature in roughly 8 weeks which is good 3 months before daylight decreases (fall).
Question: Do I delay planting to coincide plants maturity with fall or what? How do I handle this situation?
All feedback is...
Which strains (whether Sativa or Indica) are best suited for Hot (80’s-90’s) EXTREMELY humid growing conditions (outdoor) with a 6 month season like found in rural Missouri (ample water supply nearby). We are located in the Mississippi river valley and the humidity is extremely Bad here.
Let me get straight to the point, I am here to learn how to grow marijuana outside. A couple of experiences growing it inside but never got any buds, did real amateur job. Taking the time to research and do it RIGHT.
Presently living in Australia, returning to Missouri USA spring 2018. Taking...