Garden is perfect setup. At dead end, hidden from house and road by hill, no "hunter traffic", completely isolated guaranteed no one to wander by. Safety is a paramount issue for me, feel very comfortable growing there....
Weeds healthy, soil fairly easy to turn, full assortment of veg grown for 40 yrs lying dormant for 10 yrs, will be using all garden (50 x 150 ft), grown veg turned out fert ever used.
Plan on getting soil tested and then consider adding compost and chicken manure. Garden is part of...
Intend to have soil analysed by local college extention, I have been told that TOMATOES is the closest legal plant whose nutrient requirements match those of cannabis. When asked what I am planting (cannabis illegal here) should I say tomatoes? (Are they the closest match to cannabis?).....
Intend to have soil analysed by local college extention, I have been told that TOMATOES is the closest legal plant whose nutrient requirements match those of cannabis. When asked what I am planting (cannabis illegal here) should I say tomatoes? (Are they the closest match to cannabis?).....
Intend to have soil analysed by local college extention, I have been told that TOMATOES is the closest legal plant whose nutrient requirements match those of cannabis. When asked what I am planting (cannabis illegal here) should I say tomatoes? (Are they the closest match to cannabis?).....
It is common for farmers in the area to fertilize their fields with chicken manure. Would you consider adding compost a necessity or not necessary considering the use of chicken manure?.....
I will be doing my first grow in a garden worked for 50 years with NO fertilizer added during use (basic garden plantings, tomatoes, corn, etc.). I am assuming many/most of the nutrients have been depleted over the years.
Over the next few years I will be trying an assortment of different...