its not a one coat product, even though they sell it as that. i use a shit ton of sherwin products. nothing ever covers in one. drywall patches have to be sanded and hit with a flat paint, then hit once with the duration, then the whole room gets rolled out. if you try to use it as advertised...
Doing something like that puts you in an open and shut Federal conspiracy case for trafficking. Fuck that. Pills are the big hot button subject in the US right now.
I'm a professional painter, have been for 17 yrs. Anyone who has questions on how to prep and paint most anything feel free to ask any time! Always more than happy to help :).
use your head and don't post up pics just because you want a pat on the back and green bars under your screen name. if you want to, than more power to you, but don't get pushed into it, and never post big stuff, ever.
get a can of coconut milk, and simmer about 7 grams in it, don't let it boil. simmer for maybe a .5 hr, cool, then put a shot in your coffee or something. you'll like it, i promise. don't make any plans for the day though.
I made coco-oil cannacaps made from pressed keif at .5 grams per cap, and they were way too strong. I forgot how to park my truck, and it wasn't cool. I took one then left, big mistake.I would think that any cooking would have similar effects. It was a mind eraser. Back didn't hurt though :).