As Kirk tousaw has said "there's no statute of limitation on drug possession in Canada and Trudeau has admitted to use".
The dumbass technically is saying the cops should retroactively charge him with possession
Red Jedi my mentor has taught me to always assume incompetence when that is contrasted with conspiracy.
My mother had also taught me, "people are stupid" ;)
Except Jones is waaaayy more deceptive as he expertly weaves lies around history and real events.
He's a deceiver of the highest degree.
He is a FOX
Also fuck alex Jones. I've listened to him since grade 6-7 and I'm out of highschool for 9 years now
He's a sensationalist. That's it.
And laughing his way to the bank
I had about an eighth of the total in my coffee today.
Worked awesome. Almost gave me relief nearly till the end of my workday.
GB123 I'm working on it!
So I bought 2 grams of shatter from my dispensary for $60.
Had two small tokes of it when I got home in my vaporizer. Then I put the rest of it in a ramikin in the oven for 200 F with a glass pyrex dish over top to try and prevent terpines loss. Let that go 20 min then out it up to 225 F for 30...
Well I am conservative, fiscally at least but I'm socially progressive.
That being said in the last federal election I voted LPC, as for provincially NDP.
I'm a classical liberal so essentially there are no valid parties that represent my positions.
Either way if we want direct democracy - the...
Also if Trudeau does legalize pot this bitch says she'd make it illegal if she became PM.
Thing is we CAN beat her. If we all join the CPC and vote for the most sane candidate.
I've joined and I plan to do this.
That bring said come the federal election I most likely will vote liberal or NDP
No she's not. She's got the most corporate funding and has big money behind her. The Conservatives will rise again given the right chance. Trudeau is starting to make an idiot of himself and he can only string us along for so long.
Stop thinking about where YOU think things will go and start...
Like Neville Chamberlain and old Adolf?
Jesus fucking Christ. Those of you saying we need to ignore her need to brush the fuck up on their history because thinking that ignoring her will make her go away is as equally stupid as Jews in Auschwitz telling themselves "they wouldn't gas us they need...
cross posted..
So I call in today a few weeks after sending off my renewal paperwork and it sounds like a get a little old lady answering the phone who needs a few minutes to review my information to confirm my identity.
finally she gets my information. I tell her I sent in my renewal(my drs...
So I call in today a few weeks after sending off my renewal paperwork and it sounds like a get a little old lady answering the phone who needs a few minutes to review my information to confirm my identity.
finally she gets my information. I tell her I sent in my renewal(my drs office fucked up...