The fight against fascism is never run.
That dragon of fascism will time and time again raise it's ugly head until patriots beat it back down under the earth.
Evil doesn't disappear
Thanks! I will get what was suggested to me.
Also, What would I need to spend to get a decent intake with that? I know you said passive would be fine but it gets humid in my apartment.
Do I really need to spend $200 to get adequate odor control? I mean if it takes $200 I'll get it but I'm on a tight budget and that's going to take me awhile to save up for.
Alright got the tent I linked to. Needed my gfs help setting it up it was quite difficult. But it's nice now.
Anyways last thing needed.
Ventilation and filtration. What's a cost efficient solution for the above? There's tons of exhaust ports in this tent.
Fuck you who are you to judge another person's suffering. What doesn't give one person PTSD will give another person crippling PTSD. Everyone's bodies and neurochemistry varies.
You should shut your uneducated mouth
Also my friend who shot himself after coming home from Afghanistan didn't TECHNICALLY see combat yet he was shot at at saw a fifty caliber machine gun chew someone up
I order 30 grams of pennywise every month.
I agree the prices for the super high cbd stuff is too expensive.
Still it's a good indica that treats my PTSD symptoms.*****when I am in pain I am forced to get high THC stuff from my compassion club
Now I have been in threads such as the...
What condition are you treating?
I have PTSD I am using cbd first and foremost as a mood stabilizer and sedative (antipsychotic). So yes it helps greatly. I still need thc but I find 1:1 products optimal.
Waiting for my new papers and grow tent and I'll be growing a 1:1 strain. Hopefully...