As long as your not buyin it i say screw it. Unless its late at night and i gotta sleep, because it is an utter waste of weed tryin to smoke myself down of the shit we get around here.
I have two of the same sized rooms as you and i use air cooled hoods as well. My rooms are both sealed off except the the thousand watt in my flower room pulls heat out of one side of the hood. even with the room pulling like 500cfm with a cheap home depot fan the Co2 levels stay at just over...
Ya I heard the trainwreck is easy to grow but the white widow seems to be a lot easier to handle. It's a little less touchy about the temperature especially I think. I'm having problems getting good enough internet to post my pics i think. They should be up soon though. And ya its the royal...
So I'm pretty new to the game. Me and my roommate have set up our first grow in our garage of our new three bedroom house. He has his medical card and I care take for him as well as one other patient for the time being. We are currently allowed thirty adult plants, but due to over vegging our...
I can't remember the last time i wasn't stoned and driving. I actually drive a bit more cautiously. it's not that smoking makes me paranoid, but i just see no need to hurry while I'm high :)
I have had plenty of experience with both molly and pressed pills man. lot's at a time and over a long period. first of all if you we taking pure molley your rolls on 300 mg would last much longer. So what your taking is probably cut. it's rare that it isn't. After a while your loss of happy...