heres sum purple pineapple 3-4 weeks into flowering. its a lil behing because i topped right before i put it into flowering.. it was an experiment.. because i kno wen u top the plant.. the op of the plant needs time to recover.. soo the bottom of the plant grows/bushes out more during that...
a good way to get closeups with any camera... just get up close with the camera.. as close as you can get without it being too fuzzy/blurry... then view the pics on ur camera.. zoom in while viewing.. it should be very clear... there should be an option to crop that shot.. another trick is to...
Me too. Took to the topping really really well. Gonna have 3 nice main colas. Frost is starting to cover about 60% of the big fan leaves. Very excited to see these further into flowering. The blueberry seedlings doing good too. Has a few leaves now. Extremely fat/thick leaves. :) nice blue stem...
Purple Widow
BMF (Boom Motha Fucka) *C4 x CaseyBand*
Smelly Cherry *Leaves that were burnt still look bad. but the rest of the plants looking and smelling great*
Purple PineApple
u been up since 4am! u crazy mutha fucka. lol bluberry sounds good. =) hopefully ill be enjoying sum in time. =)
yeaaa we broke up. =/ we still talk and hang out tho.. we hung out today.. idk. things are weird.. sumtimes.. still feels like were together... but we're not. lol. idk. we're still...
alright man. ill keep ya up 2 date.. lost my PM and rep privileges tho.. fucking stupid.. oo well. idk why i woulda lost'em anywayz.. but yeaa ill keep ya up 2 date
hahahha. HC... i lost my PM and rep privelages. lol. idk why tho.. oo welll. wont be here much anywayz. soo i could give 2 fucks... just kinda funny tho...
lol. ive been told im funny. =) yeaa you are spot on about not enough women growers. funny i remember stoner barbie. =) we talked a couple times here and there. not much just heyy nice pics/plants. that sorta thing. that sucks about her tho. ppl are fuckin immature on here sumtimes.. its fuckin...
no problem man.. i rememebr comin on this site wen i 1st started and lookin for help. soo i kno how it is man. =) its nice havin ppl there to help wen u need it. as far as the curling.. ughh mann.. curling could be sooo many things... lol. it sucks.. one of the worse things is curling can be...
yep yep. i have grown AK-48. =) it was frosty as SHIT!! had a nice lemony smell to it as well. i would DEFF recommend it for sure! i was using new nutes... and havin PH blance probs during that grow tho. =/ soo it could have turned out better. but it was still great smoke. u kno another hidden...
yeaa i would go with the dry ice method. ive done the ice/water method a few times. it sucks. lol. alotta work involved and alotta waiting. i havent done the dry ice methode yet. but i will be doing it within a week. ive talked to sum1 who recently tried the dry ice method.. and he said it was...
why hell there Ambs. =) nice to have ya here. yeaa i agree.. this place has gone tto shit hasnt it.. =/ sucks.. ever since the hack. feel like its just gone downhill... andd wow thats bullshit... cant believe u lost ur privileges... thats bullshit. =/ kinda hard to keep in touch with ppl wen u...
gonna psot sum pics here 2morrow. the Purple PineApples doing GREAT!! u should pop sum urself man. im very very happy with it so far! starting to frost up on the fan leaves as well. shesd a keeper for sure. i can already tell. lol. obviously i dont kno for sure.. the plant could just stop...
yeaa i like to touch and feel up my plants as well. lol. cant help it. but its good to be able to get a good feel for everything.. and get to see how sticky she may be.. the smell early on.. see how the leaves feel.. and i mean.. you NEED to check for buds... and its pretty much impossible to...