yeaa im the only one growing it at the moment. =) doing the test run. so far so good. =) u an click my signature.. and go to the last page if u wanna see pics of it in flowering. =)
hahaha. thats funny. =) seems like that kinda stuff always happens.. u have a girl who doesnt smoke/drink.. then after u guys split.. they start drinking and smoking. lol. had that happen a couple of times.. this one gil i dated didnt smoke or drink.. was pretty much a str8 edge.. (beside...
it was due to a spray i used for mites during veg.. i sprayed a week or so b4 i put them into flowering... and they didn not like it... at all! as u can see.. i dont feed foliar.. but like i said. i sprayed them for mites.. and it just burnt the FUCK out of them.. killed off 2 of my plsnts...
got them from a friend who made them. SomeGuy15 think he posted in here a few times actually. in the first page or 2. =) im growin out another cross he made. Purple PineApple (PineApple Express x BlackWater) so far so good. best lookin plant in my garden at the moment.. but i sprayed mite...
im hopin for the best mangg. with both. lol. the p10 cross and the Lone BB. =) the master bubba turned out to be a male. =/ a nice one tho.. but idk if its worth keepin around. ill keep y aup 2 date on the P10's tho.. i mean at least ones gotta pop up sooner or later. lol im hopin for a nice...
nope. i am not. and yeaa the plants are doin OK.. but between the mites... and the burn from the spray.. most of them arent lookin that great. =/ the purple pineapple wasnt affected by the spray tho.. and the spider mites dont really bother that plant that much. hopin after the dose of azamax...
aww man. sucksa about ur experience with the bugs.. =/ i got a bag that had bugs in it as well.. brought it back to home depot... and they gave me a new bag and a $10 credit. =) since they say it was their fault..
if i had places around my area that sold fox farm soil i would.. but there...
im havin trouble with my p10 x GA seeds germing.. still havent had one pop its head up yet.. =( just put the last 2 in paper towels yesterday.. hopin they germ.. or some of the others pop up.. im really lookin forward to it.. dropped a few Blue Giesels in paper towels too. its cali connections...
yep. i got a journal. the link in my signature. =) first pics on the 1st page look bad tho.. lol. nute burn and mites.. but seems like ive got that under control. PH was a BIG factor. never realized how important PH Balance is until recently.
yeaa i always get nerous weneva i see roots...
wow really?? yeaa i wanna wait a few more years till i have kids.. although i feel like nowadays.. you never really "plan" on having kids wen u have them. lol. someday tho..have my mom picked out. lol. =p na but seriously.. think if was to plan on having kids.. i kno who it will be with
alllright. thanks guys. yeaa i didnt think to soak mine. =/ shit. lol. hopin they stay moist for a while. that was my problem with the other pellets.. they dried out wayy too quickly.. same with those bio-degradable pots... they dry out so fast and then dry out the soil. and kill off the roots...
holy shit man.. theyr huge! u sure did chop off alot ehh? hell of a lollipop job! lol. and i kno the guy above me was sayin he thought they'd be fatter... i think they probly took quite a shock losing the bottom 1/2 of their leaves.. probly set them back a lil bit. they look frosty as hell tho...
lookin good man! keep it up. theyre frostin up nice now! my PE cross is startin to frost up nice too. lookin like a PE dom. pheno i got goin. looks similar to yours. frost is reachin out to the fan leaves. smells like pineapple and strawberry candy. =) Mmmmmm. they do look great tho! ive been...
wish you could too man. theyre really startin to stink up now. very powerful fruit smell. a mix of pineapple.. and almost like a strawberry smell. like strawberry candy tho. not an actual strawberry.. doesnt seem to clone too well tho. =/ having a hard time getting a clone to root.. took 4 and...
yeaaa HC the purple dog that i posted pics of said the same thing.. forget what name was 1st... but i know it was DOG and AE.. and u told me it was an accidental cross.. and that purple mofo was wat i ended up with. hahaha