Often useless against pests like aphids.
I really dislike the neem oil shotgun approach. It's like the magic solution to everything in some minds but in reality it's not good for every problem. Same with pyrethrins.
It's always best to positively identify your pest before deciding on...
I'm sure the OP gets the point. We all understand how hard it is to wait when your still new at this.
He will get better. He will figure out to wait until it just can't go any longer. No point wasting all those weeks just to pull it a couple weeks early right?
We've beaten this poor horse...
Pictures do help.
Is this powdery mildew?
Wet paint, not familiar with thst fungus strain. ;)
Obviously humidity is the problem. No dehu for a week, hmm. Sulfur vaporizer?
Running cooled lighting in a room with co2 and air conditioning requires getting your air for venting hoods from another area. If your getting unconditioned air from outdoors then there are times your hoods will be cooled with air that is too hot or too cool (condensation).
If you condition...
Looks lije a sativa dominant female.
I don't see any pollen sacs. You say no seeds, but looks like some pollination occured. Are those swollen calyxes in pic one full of developing seeds or are they just fat and happy?
Nebraska. Thats the best. Lol
Seriously there are good and bad sellers everywhere, some states just offer more encouragement to be open about whats up. Just look at craigslist in Denver and compare to say Kansas City.