Might want to consider using about 1/4 of it and hanging some sort of temporary wall for the lights to reflect off of. You'd be surprised how much light can be lost in that big tent.
It may not make it a fruity weed out of shwag but it can definitely leave a flavor when rehydrating a bud that got too dry. I know that from personal experience and I have spoken with other people who have used melon rinds that made the meds taste a bit melonish as well. I'm just giving my...
Wow dude, I meant no disrespect and I was certainly not trying to start a fight. For a down to earth person, you sure do seem to be judgemental. Good day to you sir.
Your best bet would be to grow a blueberry strain and reduce the lights out temp by around 20 degrees during flower. You can cure the buds with various fruit rinds to attempt imparting a fruity flavor as well. A week is pretty quick to be smoking fresh buds. Sometimes mine will cure for over a...
Going into the dark for a while isn't going to hurt them any more than a cloudy day would hurt an outdoor plant. Pretty ballsy putting up a big tent in an apartment. How's the ventilation going to be when you have a bunch of plants in full flower?
I have degrees in horticultural sciences and I was lost too. I guess I'm part of the 12.375 percent that you left unaccounted. We're all adults here, no need to play jeopardy when most of us are clearly inebriated... ;)
Your should never use water that has been run through a pot to water another plant of the same family. There is a risk of transferring diseases and possibly harmful bacteria. Best to just dump it on the ficus.
The open light sure isn't helping anything. Put a hood on that open light and use the 400 cfm 6 inch fan on it drawing in air from outside the room just for the 1 light if you must. Put the intake for the 10 inch duct at the tippy top of your tent. Never pressurize your tents, just draw air out...
I just checked my temps (3 separate microgrows) with a digital thermometer, one is 76, one is 82 and one is 85. The 82 and 85 are bagseed sativa in flower that seem to like the higher temps (luckily since I probably wouldn't change anything anyways) and the 76 is an Incredible Bulk auto that...
A new reply to an old question you had. Your plants perceived transplant shock as impending doom and they went into survival mode, flowering immediately. Don't scrap them. Salvage what you've got and start some more seeds.
2 buckets, 11.5x10x10 each, fitting into a cabinet that is 12 x 21 1/4 x 52 tall. The bottom 11 inches is solid, not a door, so the pots take up 11.5x20 of the 12 x 21 1/4 area. The bottom is not accessible due to some permanent shit in the way so I would have to totally pull a bucket out to get...
The pots would be a pain in the ass to get out or move unless the plants are short. The buckets are square and fit almost exactly into the space with very little room to spare. I don't have room for nor could I have access to a drain pan.
I have an opportunity for another stealth cabinet grow but the design parameters dictate that a drain free pot would be FAR superior to a pot with a drain. I have always grown with a few drain holes in my buckets but with organic soil do I really need them? I am using the square kitty litter...
Shit, my plants hit 90-95 sometimes. Once my fan got jammed and it was over the max on my thermometer at 110 and my plants were fine. If you're growing outdoors and it's summer it gets close to 100, right? Ideal growth might be around 73 to 76 but they're tough, they can handle a lot more than that.