That didn't make much sense to me, but you really only need one fan for ventilation. It works better to pull air through a filter than push it through but it's does work both ways. There is a fan at Lowe's for 50 bucks that will move enough air and be quiet. 1.5 sones and 70CFM, I can't get the...
Best advice is to just wait to see how your canopy develops. You'll probably wantbto be moving the side lights around a bit if possible for the best effect.
Just take off the lower stuff that is in deep shade from the upper canopy. It's not photosynthesizing much and the plant is wasting energy keeping those leaves.
2 zips each is definitely within the realm of possibilities. Maybe think about some CFL or LED side lighting for the shadowy areas under the upper canopy. Also, I'd probably stagger the germination times so you don't have 6 mature plants at one time. That room could get pretty crowded if you...
That cabinet is an awesome idea. I have a perfect space for it but it is also in a cabinet with my air compressor. Does anyone know if the noise from the compressor will adversely effect my plants?
Fuck a tent. With 40k, do it right and put up a wall dividing the area into at least 2 rooms. Preferably a veg room with a bank of fluorescent light or a MH light a flower room with HPS. Epoxy the floors (both rooms should have floor drains), put white glassboard up on the walls and vinyl cove...
Phresh filters are great. Lightweight and good flow. An 8 inch is overkill for your room in my opinion but your fan can always be put on a speed controller if it's too much.
Venting to the attic is not generally recommended due to the moisture that goes with the air which then condenses in the...
Even with no neighbors it's a good idea. Who knows if you have a pipe start leaking or something and need a plumber or your new girlfriend stops by, better safe than sorry. They don't need much maintenance.
Yes, tomatoes are a close nutrient match. Also, I prefer cow manure over chicken because you get the straw bedding with the cow manure, adding aeration as well...
It's a utility company, not a building inspector. As long as they have access to what they need they are ok. Not like they're going to do a thorough full basement search.
Just move your plants for a short time. It's not like the power company is going to go look in your bathtub (where you can keep the fan running to keep the smell down)...
I'm also in minnesota. I have ordered from bonza as well as herbies. Took 6 days both times. I had to go sign for the bonza order, no problem. You can't control what people might send in the mail. No problems.
105 cubic feet? That's a pretty small room. Something like a 3x5 with a 7 foot ceiling? A small bathroom fan would work in there and a DIY filter. Seems like extra work to do when you can just pull room air through a filter, through the light and then out. Passive intakes are fine. The only...