I never even bother with a humidity dome for my clones. I cut them, put them i a bubble cloner and typically 9 days later I have roots. I put them under t5's as well.
Electrician just left, should be back up and running full steam monday. Since the papaya are done and the blue mystic were seeded I will most likely be starting a new thread
Here's the autoflower I was talking about. I took a close up shot and some extra ones for perspective.
Here's the Blue Heaven:
World of seeds Madness:
Blue Mystics. Sadly seeded
Plush Berries: I can't tell sex yet. I'm still vegging them but I see no preflowers.
By the way, I have an Autoflower "Fast Bud" I had going in my veg area. When I had my lights at 24/0 it wouldn't bloom so I set my lights to 18/6. The thing is frigging massive now, but sadly pretty tiny buds. I'll have pics of that tomorrow too. :)
Will have more pics for everyone soon. The Blueberry x LSD (Blue Heaven) is coming along nicely. Unfortunatly my Vanilla kush got a bit of pollen on her so half the plant looks seeded. The World of seeds madness missed the pollen as did the Blueberry/lsd and the new small trainwrecks I have going.
I've tried flushing and not flushing. I'm in no rush to smoke what I've grown so I let everything I grow cure for at LEAST a month before trying to smoke it. The only difference I've noticed after a good cure is the yield. I.e. no food = less yield.
Cure, cure, cure, 1000x cure.
To answer this question here ya go:
When you go outside in the daytime and its cloudy, can you see anything or is it pitch black? If you can see anything the sun's light is working as it always has for billions of years. No you're not getting the brightest, most direct sunlight, but its still...
Sorry for the lack of updates, just getting everything fixed with my grow (Bugs and Electrical). Getting my grow space's electrical redone. That building was old and needed new electrical anyway.
No sign of spider mites for a week now, knock on wood.
I just grew out some papaya and it was fantastic. My Avatar is a picture of one of the buds.
Very relaxing, pain reliefing goofy high. I actually am pretty uncoordinated on it.
Shouldn't be a big problem. Outside it rains/cloud cover, sometimes get dark during the day. Darkness makes cannibis release a hormone. Prolonged periouds of darkness makes the plant release enough hormone to begin flowering. Short bursts of darkness should not be a big problem.