Sub speaking of Michigan, I see blooming basements as an official distributor.
There is a store called Hydro care selling "your" gear but I'm sort of suspicious of them since they're not listed on your website. My suspicion increased when I heard they were offering to "buy back" males from...
Started seeing amber at day 54 so at day 56 I chopped the top 2/3 of the BB/LSD cross. Estimate 2.5-3.5 oz so far. Very high yield for as big as I flowered it. Glad I got a clone. I took 3 cuttings of my largest chernobyl. Hopefully they root fast, and hopefully its female.
If you guys are getting PM and/or mold invest in a duhumidifier. It's what I had to do in my room as the humidity was approaching 70%. I have it hovering around 45-55% now, and shockingly... No mold or mildew ever again. Genetics is 90% of your
Sorry for the thread necromancy, I break out when I touch one of the strains I'm growing. I haven't smoked it yet, but it seems to bug my skin to the touch, but it's only one of my strains.
Learning how to use my camera, I think these are the best shots yet.
Here's some week 7 shots of Old Grower Dude's Blue Heaven: It's Barneys Farm LSD x Blueberry.
Here's a nice VERY close up shot:
Madness at 49 days:
A new Madness (C99 x ATF x some brazilian Genetics)
My wife suffers from a number of ailments, migraines being one of them. Last night she was having such an extreme episode she actually began weeping.
I suggested she try some Pandora's Box as she'd tried every OTC medication and nothing was touching it. After 1 bowl of it, (approx 7...
Much love uncle ben.
What about making a new thread, and having them sticky that? Then your first post could be the orignal post info with the additional FAQ material. Might be the easiest way to get it done.
Changed all bloom resses today made sure ppm was 800 except for the trainwreck which i lowered to 450. I'm letting them go a bit longer to see if they fatten any but probably chopping tonight or tomorrow.
Trainwreck Flowered on 1-7-2011:
Some nice Blue Heaven Pics Flowered 1-27-2011:
Madness Flowered on 1-25-11
Vanilla Kush : Flowered on 1-11-2011
See why I thought that was seeded? Just nice big extremely swollen calayxs.
I've grown nirvana's blue mystic and Papaya. The BM hermied on me but I let it finish. The papaya was as described. Very powerful and narcotic. A few rips of it knocks me out. The Blue mystic, even though it hermied is actually pretty potent. Even with seeds its a great buzz. That said It was...
Put a world of Seeds madness (#2) into Bloom today. I was using LST on it in veg and I didnt realize how massive it was. If the stem were straight insted of a C shape it would probably be 2.5 feet tall. as it is, it's going to be a big girl.
I have had all my electrical professionally redone...