I have 9 per 4x4 this run with a short veg I'll do 6 per 4x4 in a #scrog next run all the same strain per bed not a mix like I have now. Going to tweak my recipe next run and add some gypsum. Can't wait til the spring for some comfrey.
The close up is garlic breath #1 I'm pretty sure it's a mendo leaner maybe some cookies. The whole bed picture the big colas flopping around are my garlic 3 pheno which leans gmo. First time trying an organic bed out.... Going to order the trellis next time lol. This is day 49...
Sup fellas been a minute. Day 49... I got buds flopped over everywhere. There' 3 different strains in the bed. Going to order my beds with the $22 CDN trellis attachment next time and just run one strain per bed while adding some 300 gal pots and some more beds and see what I like.
That's sweet bro... my issue didn't cause further spots... new soil and re reading my recipe I am short a few cups of OSF. Going to do a few new beds with a slightly tweaked recipe.
Nah bro... just garlic male pollen to 2 branches on my prized lemon skunk. Took it out of the room dusted the branches taped paper bag on the 2 branches took it off 5 days later and now a couple weeks from the finish line. Didn't accidently pollinate my whole garden either hehe.
Reading over this thread this morning as I'm coming to a close and starting up some more beds. Would you suggest I use gypsum instead of OSF? If so at what rate per cu ft and how often to re apply?
The beaches in Thailand are gorgeous but southern Thai food isn't as good as the rest of the country. Eat for a dollar a plate or less if you know where to go! I can do without the Asian girls though lol. Rasta looking forward to your pics bro!
I'm guessing you say that because you watched that Netflix doc. Far from the truth if you are a thai... but a tourist and a few bucks will get away with it. IMO Thailand is still far away from cannabis legalization.. I'll report back in april once I'm there again though
Cool set up he sure stuck a lot of plants in 80 gallons hey. When are you back from vacation I would like to see more pics of your garden. Also how is your la pure kush on taste and smell? Is it from hazeman seeds? Was eyeing some up I don't have any kush in my garden.
Close your eyes and point... anywhere in SE Asia you can't miss.... but Thailand definitely has the best food. Dm me if you go. And to rasta Roy did you use the bio live method before? If so how did it go? It' very close to the Coots recipe isn' it?