My red wigglers will be here on tuesday. My bin has been made almost a week ago with leaves I collected in the spring, newspaper, cardboard and my own finished compost. Are many of you organic farmers on RIU feeding your amendments into your bin and just growing with your own VC? Also was...
After re-reading this thread i forgot to say i didnt have any run off on my last two weeks of "flush". Do i need to rinse my soil aome more before i can use it in my indoor bed?
True. I used 1/4 cup per cu ft in my bed stayed green ans gorgeous until the end. I just purchased a bunch of 200 gal pots also I will try 1 cup per cu ft with those. Thanks for your time fellas...
Stellar reply as ALWAYS. Thanks wetdog, im going to use OSF because i have it on hand... what do you think per cu ft? Note that i habe crab shell meal in my amendment mix as well.
Ive had a successful run but trying to emulate it with some old promix to make more beds. So its settled; ill flush medium mix amendments and grow some more dank meds organic style.
Making the transition to full organics ans i have a tonne of old promix left and it would sace me a lot of $ if i couls use it in my beds. Do i need to flush it out before i mix ny organic amendments? Do i need to re add any liming agent? Thanks guys.