Grandma is 65 or so. Still in good shape but we are sure it's a break in. At first we called my mom crazy when she thought someone just stole a iPod nano but $1000 in silver is alot to go missing.
We realize its too late for the police to come look for clues we just want to report the stolen coins incase they turn up somewhere.
I diddnt think the police would want to look at the house but I don't want to chance it either. My plants are only about a week old so it's not much to clean up...
Forgot to mention the grow tent wasn't set up at the time of the break in so the robbers have no idea about that.
The thing that puzzles me is no one in my family other than my grandma knew the safe was in the house. I have a hard time believing just some randoms broke in and managed to find it.
I should have given more information. I don't really have a grow room my grow tent sits in the middle of a spare bedroom. My mom knows about the grow my grandma does not. I'm not sure if the safe box was left or taken i just assumed it was taken but u make a valid point. I just got a few details...
Hey guys in a bit of a situation here. About a month ago we suspected a break in because a iPod seemed to be misplaced but we thought no big deal it could have been misplaced. Yesterday my mom noticed a silver coin in the corner of my grow room. She then called my grandma to find out she had a...
I'm new to both this site and growing weed but I'm defiantly not new to the Internet or forums and if there is one thing I've learned it's to never judge someone's skill level by there forum account.
A much more advanced grower in my eyes would keep his illegal activity on the down low as...
So sexing will be important and is something I have never done so when the time comes I may post some pics just to get verification. Also I was thinking most yeild enhancing tequniques seem to cause stress which I'm trying to avoid because of my tight time schedule. What do u guys think of a...
I will be documenting and over the next couple months I'd like to build a stealth cab to keep a mother plant or 2.
Actual already started a journal :)
Yeild and taste arnt really important to me this go around I'm just interested in learning.
Thanks for the helpful post! I was getting rather worried I wouldn't have enough time for my plants to recover if I tried some advanced growing methods. I really liked the idea of main lining so I might give that a shot with 1 plant and let the rest grow out without any trimming
Hello growers I am a noob to the scene here and am looking for some advice. I have very little growing experience with any plants let alone cannabis but I have done lots and I mean LOTS of reasearch.
Let me fill u in on my situation.
I have about 14 weeks to pull a harvest off from seed so...
Day 3 of the seedlings being planted put them all in a humidity dome and that seems to have stopped my mite problem for now.
Also added an inline fan to my cool tube so I could put the plants closer to my light.
For me i decided to just exhaust through my hood instead of getting 2 inline fans because I only grow indoors during the winter and I seem to stay at a nice temp of 70-75 at lights off and 80-85 at lights on.
I feel like i just live in a mite infested house after looking at the house plants i noticed some webs and white spots on one of them.
whats the best procedure for cleaning a grow room?
I have a grow tent but I suspect the mites came out of the carpet or something in the room the tent is in.
Ok so ive run into a little problem early on my run here. SPIDER MITES!!!!
trying to find the best fix for my situation.
I'm only 18 and i was litterally 2" away from the plants and just noticed the movement of the little bastards.
I was kinda skeptical at first because alot of the people on here say they can't see them without a magnifying lense but I am young and have 20/20 vision I figure alot of the members...
at this point i could throw out the plants and not care they are not eve an inch tall yet.
I just need help on maintaining these little bastards before i grow some serious plants.