Well it looks like i got to close to fast, i woke up a few hours ago to check on my plants and the leaves seem to be wilting just a little bit, im not sure if it was the fan or the light that caused this so i backed the light off back up to 15 inches and moved the fan back just a bit as well...
I just lowered my light to about 11 inches from the plants all has been going well so far max temp was 82 in my min max test so it looks like I'm good there, i cant wait for the growth to kick in seedling growth is so slow...
Yeah im sure i can find it man, i just didn't see one in your sig so i didn't know if i should bother looking, are you sure those plants are going to be ready to harvest have you checked them with a scope, week 6 seems pretty early to harvest specially if you don't know how long it took them to...
I am happy to say that i turned on my HID today, i positioned my plants 18" away and i am going to keep a close eye on them for the next 24 hours, i positioned my oscillating fan so that it blows right above the plants across the light so every few seconds they get a decent little shake, i also...
Psilocybindude Dislikes this. There is no dislike button so I'm doing it manually... Sorry to hear about your accident man it sounds like one hell of an ordeal you went threw, glad to see that you seem to be persevering threw it though, i cant imagine the recovery from a wreck like that, and as...
Thanks for the rep shaggn its nice to be worthy of it once again lol, i want to turn my MH on and i believe the plants are ready but I'm not sure how far away i should place them from my light i was thinking of 18" because of this chart and then lowering it a bit day by day, what do you guys think?
Is the reasoning behind this to inhibit microbial growth? If so that is a pretty good idea its also very dark in there most of the time, it would be the perfect place if you didn't have to let it set out to warm up...
Well its been a few days since my last update so heres another one, the plants have been on tap water for 4 days and seem to be growing decently for being under CFL's, they are on there 5th node and the nodes are very tightly spaced, i have been feeding the plants every day with nutrient...
The chlorine in the water would kill micro beasties in the water and in the soil, but hydro growers don't need to worry so much about that i don't think, because the fertilizers are synthetic they don't need to be broken down by the micro organisms to feed the plant, I'm not sure if the same...
I'm so happy to have so much growth in one page, it may have taken 10 pages but its finally going, the plants seem to be reacting fine to the tap water and the change in the ppms...
I believe i read something a while back that said that when you go so low in wattage on HID that it becomes less efficient than cfls, as far connecting your bulbs goes use power strips with gfci switches, and make sure you do not go over the power rating on any of the equipment you use, as other...
I believe our tap water has chlorine in it so i let my water set out for about 20 minutes before mixing the nutrients i also ran the water with a mixture of hot and cold so that the water is not to cold for the plants, the water before nutes measured 235 ppm and after nutes measured 378 ppm i PH...
New growth is continuing however i have noticed brown spots on some of the leaves, i believe that this is a calcium deficiency, i have been feeding my seedlings RO water with GH flora micro for hard water because i was worried about the effects that the tap water might have on my young...
With such a small tent man there is really no need to fret as long as you go with a fan that can move a decent bit of air you are not going to have problems, as far as the warranty goes i wouldn't be to concerned these fans have a very simple design and as long as they are well lubricated I'm...
More CFM is always better when it comes to setting up a ventilation system but in the case of a tent as small as yours its not gonna matter very much any of those centrifugal fans should be able to ventilate that tent very quickly even with a carbon filter installed...