Random thought. You could also set heatsinks on top of the plate with thermal adhesive. Easy to get the proper heat dissipation when you can randomly place random sized heatsinks that you can scavenge from random places.
When someone grows inside of a bucket or a small container, some people use trash cans. Some people use Rubbermaid containers. I have used the 5 gallon buckets to veg in before and they work pretty well actually.
I have built small LED panels that I would mount an inch from the top. I actually used copper plumbing couplers as stand offs to maintain an even distance. Just enough for airflow over the heatsinks. (This example is passive)
Everything looks female, possibly PH problems leading to nutrient lockout. Id try a little lime and see if that helps. You should check out spacebuckets. There's a lot of people growing in those little areas.
Vegging under flower intensity tends to make a very small Plant with minimal stretch and a small yield. You should veg under low light to encourage the autos to stretch a bit.
I have plenty of lights too but I'm always looking to expand the operation or sell off some of my older COBs. I have some Vero 18s that I could rotate out if the Solar Flare is worth rotating in.
I totally agree that the test size is too small to be a definitive test. More like contributing data.
I was initially a strong skeptic of the music theory but have since had second thoughts and decided to run a few tests of my own.
I have run the tests a few times but would always run into...
This is quite the pissing match.
A single 400 in a 4x4 would indeed grow pot. Would it be the frostiest, densest, most stoney pot this side of the Pecos? Probably not.
The minimum light recommended to flower under is only 2,000 lumens per foot squared. Median range would be 5,000 or so and...
In a 4x4, you'd do well to have 2, 250 watt COB arrays. 500 watts of quality LED in there would be perfect.
Check out timbergrowlights.com they're pretty good value for your money and very good quality.
To more accurately answer your question, we need a more precise question. If you're interested in doing a perpetual harvest, the 4x4 could pump out 2-3+ ounces every week.