The more roots you break or chop off the more stressed the plant will be.
That's the simpliest thing I can tell you to remember.
In Bonsai they say you can cut up o 1/2 the root system of a plant.
The plants is stressed for about 2 weeks. after that time shoot growth usually continues.
Phosphorus deficiency will slow growth.
Potassium deficiency will retard flowering, reduce yield.
Pics 2,3,4. You have some weird leaf growth. Doesn't look normal.
IMO- your leaf growth looks similar to a Magnesium deficiency.
From what I've read some strains don't go clear or Amber.
You might...
IMO- it could just be the transpiration of the stomata of the plant.
Your plant get's rid of water through there leaves. sorta like an evaporation siphon.
The only other thing that would do that is high humidity.
Good Luck on Your Grow
Your leaves "Taco" mainly because of light. The leaf can regulate how much light it gets by decreasing the angle to the light by folding the leaf up along the Mid-rib "Taco-ing"
Some Strains do it more than others. IMO- you have a strain that does it more.
Your out-side. so your getting a lot of...
You can spread out your set up. You don't need to buy everything at once.
Couple CFL's
and your in business.
You don't need nutrients for like @3 weeks. This gives you time to figure out what your gonna get, and time to save more money.
The most expensive thing will be your HID light...
Watts = Volts x Amps
2200 watts would be the total load you can put on a 20amp breaker using 110v
Don't plug that all in on one receptacle
15 amp outlet can only take 1440watts at 110v
You can melt the outlet and burn the house down
You only wanna load a circuit up to 80% of capacity.
IMO- if...
Read, Read, Read all that you can. Take notes if that helps.
Then come up with a game plan for growing
You can get cheap nutrients if your growing in soil
Blood Meal - Nitrogen
Triple Phosphate -Phophrus
Pot-ash - Potassium
Good Luck on Your Grow
Once you lose the Meristem of the plant it's game over.
The Meristem is the only place new growth is formed.
As mentioned better luck next time.
Good Luck on Your Grow
IMO- it does look like a Calcium issue. Just how the edges of your leafs look.
Your fungus gnats will only go after your root system, they like to be where the moisture is at.
There little maggots live in your medium. sometimes eating your roots if there isn't any food in the growing medium...
You could start when ever you like. they can take a lot of light. Don't forget they grow under the sun.
For practical purposes you could Veg them under your CFL's until there ready to flower.
or you can put them under the HPS. You'll get more compact veg growth from the HPS over a MH.
It's your...
There's some grow room rules you should follow.
-always being clean when you go into the grow room. (you can bring in a lot of stuff from out side on your clothes/hair.
-don't let anyone else in my grow room for that reason. who knows whats on them. especially if they are a grower too.
-No pets...
Sure you can Buddy.
I can only find the Flora Duo schedule for soil
The Flora Nova is the better than the Flora Duo, I can't find the feeding schedule for it.
people will use the hydro nutrients in soil for the buffering the hydro nutes have.
Good Luck on Your Grow
used the Nutrient lines,
Fox Farm Complete nutrient line
Bio-Bizz complete nutrient line
General Hydroponics Flora Nova series line
what I've seen in using the 3 is that General Hydroponics is the best
It grows just as good as Fox Farm, It's easier to use. It's cheaper. You pay so much $$$ for...
What I've read is every foot of plant growth should usually get you a ounce, (Most of the time)
as mentions every strain produces some varied amounts.
5-6 foot plant is the max you'd want to grow with a 1000watt light.
at 5' your lumens drop way off 6' is even more so. at those heights you just...