Depends what soil you use buddy, I use pre mixed so it goes for a good two weeks without any nutrients, but then I give just a bit over the recommended dose and it's never done any harm to my plants, people say give autos to much will give them nute burn, I always use a bit over and never had...
Or if you live in wales we get literally a week of nice weather then it's back to rain and wind haha, I'd love to be able to grow my autos outside but there's just no hope here haha :)
Only just seen your temps and that sorry mate, I'd deffo say it's phosphorus deficiency or at least a nutrient problem but I couldn't tell you what's causing it mate
Yeah keep growing it mate, them leaves might go a bit deformed but the rest of the plant will grow fine for you, plus from what I've read it takes a lot to kill northern lights auto, proper hardy strain :)
I'll always stick to autos, for me just so much less hassle, done a photo before a constantly kept fucking up the times haha, and as for doing them outside, you can't grow shit outside here in the uk haha :grin:
Had something like this not long ago and turned out to be not enough light, finally got my new bulbs in the post and they were back to normal,
But they do look a bit overwatered maybe ?
I know mate you've got to be careful, just cause their cfls don't mean they need to touch to give light burn, probs is light burn if it's just where he's got his lights, I had it with my last grow using a 250watt CFL
Yeah man, was watching something on fb of them putting it in front of parliment not long ago, and they're making a decision January, they were 21 one days today bud, yours ? That's what I'm hoping to do in time just need a bit more space here first :)
I've grown for nearly 2 years now, don't mean we know everything, I'm just giving my opinion, a light doesn't have to touch the leaves at all to give light burn mate
Like he said it's only on the side where the CFL hangs so what not to say it's light burn ? And like I said could be nute burn either one ain't it :grin:
I've got a 120x120x200, small fan in the corner and a 400watt omega grow light and I've got 6 plants and the go at the moment with 2 others germinating, I'd reckon I could easily fit 9 in that space and it's all going pretty well so far not ran into any problems, hope this helps a little I'd say...
Should see a massive difference in growth now I'd say pal so make sure you keep and eye on the height so she doesn't grow too much and get light burn for you, yeah get yourself a reflector makes the world of difference :bigjoint: