I've tested my fan, both pushing and pulling the air and found no difference in strength or temperature. Not sure where you heard that a fan sucking air is more efficient.
The reason I didn't remove anymore was I figured it would be no different than last round. Unfortantly I think I was wrong. Last time I think I only had 49 in total, which would allow a lot more light to the lower nodes. This round was 64 and the canopy is so thick, even being mostly defoliated...
Can't judge a different strain on a timeline, most vary when they decide to crank it on. You will notice over time that some crank it on early where others don't till later in the phase. :)
Whatever!!! I still can't give you +rep.... Damn Psilo, those filled in perfectly :) I see some slight tip burn but can tell the leaves are a lot healthier than last round. I can't wait to see the rest of this round, very nice man!!!
Day 42 :) Looks like everything is running right on schedule. I did have something blow off a nanner as I have a few beans in a path running from one fan to the opposite corner. Looks like it may have been CL1/B. I'm not to worried about it as i'm just in the process of picking up some new...
Just want to clarify that defoliation isn't as bad as everyone is saying. Unfortantly most haven't even tried it and tested the results. I pulled just under 1gw using the defoliation method, so if it doesn't work then I must have done something wrong lol. All you can do is try for yourself and...
I'm cooling a 600 in a cooltube with a 200 cfm fan but in a 4x4 tent. The real quesiton is what are your ambient temps. If the ambient is cool enough you can, but if you're in a warm or hot environment then I doubt it will be strong enough. Peace!!
Well here is my personal observation of the differences between defoliated and non-defoliated plants. Now these aren't done yet (37 days) but there is a slight difference. What I can tell so far is the non-defoliated has bigger buds but they are fluffy and not dense like the defoliated ones. If...
Day 35!!! I will start off with how much I love these dry nutes compared to the Flora series. Sure I have to let it sit for about 15min or so, but from what i'm seeing so far, the ratio seems to work better than the 3 part. I will easily surpass 1gpw this time :) The smell is unreal, during...
I'm not quite sure how many yet. Four just seemed as a good starting point without needing a long veg period. Main goal is to bring the numbers down without needing a 3 week veg. As i've said already, if I was in a house I would do the single plant per 600 with a 3 week veg. But until I get...
As was stated, you could also grab some at a corner store. How you acquire them is up to you. Each crate runs about 20$ unless you're buying a stack :)
That route is a good idea if you ever upgrade to a bigger area. Why buy a bunch of different ballasts when you ca just buy higher watts than...
An update on the clones I took at day 21 (12/12), Post #142. According to the post date it has been 12 days. I've been so busy i'm not even sure when they started spitting roots :) Peace!!
Looks like a jungle in there Shiva. I tend to take clones and have them ready with just a couple days, to do a thorough cleaning. This may be my last 2L run though. I'm not liking the high numbers and think I may switch to a 4 plant scrog instead. Thanks for the compliment :)