Springtails?? If so they are harmless. I had them and completed a gro without issue. Won't be aphids, they like the sap especially from the new shoots, not the roots.
Don't skimp on building a good led unit!! Yes it costs up front but the benefits pay off!! Do your research. It isn't that hard to source the parts for your build. Once you've completed assembling your build you will feel complete satisfaction!! Need any help msg me. Peace!!
Switch to led!!! Build a cob unit/qb boards asap. You will never go back!!! Worst case go cmh!! You'll be glad you did. Yes, it costs up front but no more bulb costs. No heat issues as long as you do your research and do a proper build for your gro space. Peace!!
I love being Canadian! I also love growing!
Sky pilot by GPS. First pic in perlite hempy, next is current, day 15 in coco. All under 400watts of vero cob. Peace!!
Score!! Sitting Bull n The Deputy ordered n paid. Peace!!
I forgot to mention the other GPS elites I already bought, Tomahawk, Moondance and Sky-Pilot.