C-channel (U profile) would work great.
I don't see the attraction here. The COBs can't be put in the center because of the airgap from the spacers. If they are staggered then you might as well use two loose profiles.
Btw you can use JB weld to glue profiles together to create larger heatsinks.
Last time I checked the 3070 had the most bang for the buck of all CXA's. It's $0.51/Watt. Vero's are from $0.45 to $0.51 per Watt. All at nominal current and prices from DIgikey.
Originally I planned on using the small CXA1304 but it lost out against the Vero 10 on price and performance.
Wait what you have the BML lights???
But seriously they look very slick. If you had more you could build a wigwam with them, wrap it in mylar and put your stretchy sativas inside.
Mello that is a good catch, the PLN is not suitable as a fan driver. There must be another adjustable constant voltage meanwell driver but I can't find it.
The power supply of the fans is a single point of failure in the COB + CPU cooler design. Why on earth would you go cheap on that. Something good from Mean Well is just a few bucks more.
I didn't even know Cree gave out the LER... you happen to know where in Cree's documentation labyrinth this can be found?
Thanks for the spectrographs. The 3000K curve differs significantly from what's in the specs though. In your data the blue peak is at 60% of the red peak, in the specs it...
Usable to me is anything between 400-700nm. As a second consideration I look at the amount of blue (using 420-480nm as blue). This is a very simple model. The attraction is that it can actually be used for comparisons and decisions.
Yes the 143V really is a hard limit, no headroom like with cheapo drivers, but you could make a string of 3590 + 3070.
The HLG-185H-C1400 is a very nice driver btw, I have the 'A version (with pot meter). It's just a few bucks more than the '120H for an extra 50W.
If there is radio spectrum pollution there is a chance that it will be investigated, especially if it's in the aircraft band or if ppl complain about it. The cheapo drivers I have interfer like mad on FM radio. Even a battery operated radio, so with no AC coupling. I'm sure that with a...
Welcome back to the jungle
Fading on the ICE plant (on the right) is happening a lot sooner than before.
This clone was shown before, I said it was an ICE but it turns out to be C99. The cup is 250ml.
Just to find out what all these Californians are talking about I popped two Blue Dream...