Schrader scroll compressors, properly sized and regulated, are used in very large commercial grows, so yes it can be done.
For a piston compressor you will want a large pressure tank and a regulator on the tank output. Tank fills to say 150psi and the regilator allows the psi you require...
Yes indeed. For me it was a self destructive behavior motivated by an over worked & underpaid lifestyle. Back when I went commercial and suddenly had the cash to do what I wanted, I no longer had the need to smoke. In fact it became something that held me back from enjoyment. It was easy to...
110 liter per minute pump rocking no more than 6 x large cylinder air stones (replace every 90 days, not clean & reuse or begging for pythium).
I use one stone in 5 gallon veg site x 6, then move to 31g tote and add two new stones, one 110lpm pump per two plants. Stones should be placed...
I quit by just throwing away a half carton and saying no more. I was only able to do this when I was ready. Being around smokers doesn't bother me, I don't crave them anymore.