DrBlaze- in regards to mixing; say I have two frames. One running QB and cob, one running just mixed cobs, or just QBs. I could compare those two to see if there is a benefit. This will be the goal as I have the funds to finish properly a roughly 8x14 room.
Mixing in LEC somewhere as supplement...
Maybe I am off base, and if so I'll readjust. Neither is perfect and it seemed a blend would give a better setup.
This will be a tent to start, eventually gonna be finishing out an 8x14 room.
So me saying the
"Experts" as yourself who can diy, should because it's cheaper makes me a Timber employee??? That may be the dumbest comment yet- and you've already spewed Soo much bad info that's damn impressive.
Look up the pricing on the stx heatsinks, look at HLG pricing on the Slates or I'm sure Rapid sells the heatsinks on own. There's a huge difference in cost. I prefer a huge meaty sink on a 100w cob, not three sharing a low cooling metal board.
If you look at what is included in the two kits, and price out the parts you'll see the money savings in the heatsink used. Beyond that the cobs aren't mounted, wire is loose, etc. It's not a plug and play but Timber is still the better deal.
You could order a Slate from HLG and probably have a...
Because YOU chose to compare different products. Both are passive, but again completely different setups that somehow confuses you.
And yes I did bring up the obvious true diy if people want. But all the "experts" keep trying to compare apples to ornages and still lose based on basic math.
And still nothing done to the parts, an extrusion as opposed to actual heat sinks (again an expert would know the cost difference), and on and on. Rapid has good prices but stop fooling yourself.
With the qb price raise they're alot less appealing. Basic math still shows Timber is on par/cheaper.
I find it funny all of the "smart guys" arguing for rapid and not going where they should- a true diy will be cheaper if you shop and source. End of story. Beyond that basic math isn't hard of...
No dog here- but when you add the needed brackets that's $40 for a 2' section. Need 2-4 of those to match most frames already assembled and then not trying to lower four separate pieces and the extra hangers. I'm happy paying $25 to have Dan assemble EVERYTHING and ship it out to be hung and...
They're riveted in place, but I'm sure if you had something specific he'd work with you. He'll also mixmatch colors/spectrums if want. Drop him an email, he's quick to respond.
I've always heard 1:6 Bk:HH.
Also make sure they've had some good HH feedings prior to the bloom khaos as the plant will need the extra calcium available.