Was told it's called Chumba. Pics from their prior grow had some nice deep purples indoor.
Still deciding on pot size so it's moveable end of season if needed! Lol
I'm being lazy this year and trying mostly autos. Hopefully can stagger two harvests out before the weather gets too bad.
Oh and popping some landrace seeds a buddy gifted me and gonna roll the dice on them!
Some of the photos seem to show earthworms, not composting worms. You want composting worms and they do need food sources- finished compost, mulching the top with leaves or chop and drop, and I'd feed very small amounts- bananas, avocado, melons, etc.
Also don't use Uncle Jims- most orders are...
Have some Humic acid granules from DTE- how much should I be adding to a 5 gallon tea brew? With all the different forms of humics out there wasn't sure on ratio for this.
Maybe missing it but I'd still run filter in tent first to clean air as pulled through there before hits garage. Garage gets clean air, filter lives in tent as we all do shouldn't be a problem.
Thanks. Took a few different paths along the way- probably shouldn't have tried to do so much right after moving. Lol. But it's slowly coming together.
I'll get some pics later but I built a square frame out of 1x1 wood. Strapped filter to this to be able to pull up a little higher. Drilled holes in the ends to ziptie the tent bars to in order to keep them properly distanced. Straight pipe out the tent to fan suspended from eyebolts and ziptie...
Maybe this will help- take a fixture and run at 100% and check whatever heat/area/ pot of gold you choose, day 2 run said fixture at 50% (1/2) power and test the same area and you'll discover something really amazing.