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  1. DeeTee

    How long until harvest do you think?! First timer

    Still have two to three weeks to go from what I see, lots of white pistls, eventually most will all shrink.
  2. DeeTee

    Curing Storage boveda 62 humidity packs

    I wrote a letter to them a year ago, no response, I too wish they'd make one for 55% or 58%, for now I use them for long storage, not curing I've learned.
  3. DeeTee

    Over Watered? Not Enough Nutes? To Much Adolescent Partying?

    Take pics without the LED light, during the day or try a flash, it's best to post pics in natural light in order to judge a plant, I want to see green not pink or what ever that color is.
  4. DeeTee

    Anyone know what could be causing this?

    What's the soil, do you check the ph of you water?
  5. DeeTee

    easier songs for a acoustic guitar

    Here are a few songs I've compiled through the years. You should be able to open with Adobe Reader, I have many more but without the words.
  6. DeeTee

    Is my seedling stretching?

    Looks ok to me, I have 4 seedlings now that are taller, even earlier sprouts were taller but they grew to be fine, you're paying too much time hovering over your plants.
  7. DeeTee

    Plant problem

    No offense but why is it when people post pics of their grow 80 to 90% of the time it's with the HPS light on, makes it hard to judge the plant, at least that's my gripe, when I look at a plant, I want to see green.
  8. DeeTee

    Getting started issues

    Single Seed is a good place, I've bought from them a number of times with no problems, decent prices too.
  9. DeeTee

    my 1st grow :)

    Your first grow is always exciting, nice going.
  10. DeeTee

    Wow the rich getting richer

    It's been that way since time began and it will always be that way. as said, it's called GREED
  11. DeeTee

    Getting started issues

    I've had seeds take 6 days and more, but I hate to say it but sounds like you've had bad luck, I sure as hell wouldn't buy from them again, was it a reputable seed bank?
  12. DeeTee

    Plant has really Streached in flower don't think I'm going to get much this grow

    Stretching is usually a sign of not enough light, tho they tend to stretch at flower time, what's the strain, sativa or indica?
  13. DeeTee

    Is this normal

    I agree, no two plants are the same, that's to be expected.
  14. DeeTee

    Can I have an opinion on this girl? Is it close or another week or 2?

    Still have time to go, Sativa's can take up to 12 weeks or more, patience, my friend, it will be worth the wait.
  15. DeeTee

    got jacked

    Kinda sucks having someone steal your weed, but don't pull a gun, that's the worse you could do, you could end up in jail, setting traps maybe a good idea but you could get sued for causing bodily harm, I feel for you, best take pics and confront him or as said tell all his friends he's a thief...
  16. DeeTee

    Bonjour RollItUp !

    Bonjour, mon ami, you've joined a great site.
  17. DeeTee

    Stunted/slow seed

    You have to be patient, give them time to establish a good root system, they will then begin to grow fast.
  18. DeeTee

    Is this close to harvest? Thank you.

    Good for you, I like your attitude.
  19. DeeTee

    Is this close to harvest? Thank you.

    You could always order it on line.
  20. DeeTee

    Is this close to harvest? Thank you.

    Know what you mean, have you tried organic pesticides?