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  1. DG1959

    This going to be fun!

    Since my state (Oregon) made weed legal this is going to be a lot more fun! no more looking over my shoulder, no more close calls LOL. I have grown some really good smoke but have never tried autoflower.... this will be a new learning experience. Hope I don't screw them up. Cheers!
  2. DG1959

    weed that heals the world

    I was a horrible drunk, not nice to my family, not pleasant to be around when I drank. My life changed when I went back to smoke. I think society has it all wrong... alcohol should be illegal and weed legal. Grow my own, enjoying it.
  3. DG1959

    Black gold just for veg...

    I just used this... did not like it. It might not be the same I bought but if it is my plants just didn't do good.
  4. DG1959

    Thanks Herbie

    I too got the free Afgahni seeds. I wrote herbies and asked what they were and was told basically it was a newer strain that is being tried... not sure if I believe it but heck they were free.
  5. DG1959

    Are LED lights good enough for a scrog grow?

    I grew a cheese and a New york city OG with a cheap 300w LED full spectrum and it did great. I will be buying a second soon.
  6. DG1959

    12/12 from seed with LED will this work

    WOW! excuse my ignorance but, what strain is she?
  7. DG1959

    12/12 from seed with LED will this work

    300 watt full spectrum 12/12 LED from seed.... will it work? thought I would use up some old bag seeds for this trial. I know that the yield will be lower but my big plants are grown outdoors.
  8. DG1959

    First time Out door grow in Western Washington, Help?

    I soak mine for 24 hours and then put in a dark warm place in wet paper towels. After they pop and that tiny root shows I plant in a clear solo cup inside of a colored solo cup about 3/4 inch deep. By using the clear cup placed inside a colored cup I can lift the clear out and check for root...
  9. DG1959


    The compost is very rotted and black as coal. Chicken manure is very hot! Last year all I used on my vegetable garden was cow and chicken manure, no commercial ferts and my garden did a lot better than before. Thanks guys, I love this site!
  10. DG1959


    Well, I have to go to the dentist AAAARRRRRRGGGG!!!!! tooth is hurting far too much now... I have a great fear of those dentists. Hope I survive if not see you on the other side... LOL...OUCH!
  11. DG1959

    First time Out door grow in Western Washington, Help?

    I live in western Oregon (mid valley) and will start mine inside in April.... we can get a freeze late in March so don't plant outdoors just yet. I am going to start inside and then move outside in a tomato cage with clearish plastic around the cage, mini green house effect. Good to see more...
  12. DG1959


    I live on a farm and have a lot of cow manure and chicken manure (I am full of shit also LOL) Would the compost be good for my plants or too hot? I know my vegetables do good in my garden. I have a pile that is a mix of well rotted leaves,grass clippings and chicken poo, any concerns about bugs?
  13. DG1959


    I have a tooth ache but after smoking a small amount the son of a bitch is gone! can't feel my face... LOL
  14. DG1959

    If I gotta choose just one for my virgin run...... you'd say....

    my first was cheese, did great.
  15. DG1959

    Herbies single picknmix

    I use Herbies and not a problem. 10 out of 10 germinated. I think I got very small seeds of the Afghani but the sprouted no problem.
  16. DG1959

    Sativa Blackberry

    Any tips on this grow? I have smoked it and thought I might try a grow of this. You masters all ways have me in awe of your super good grows.
  17. DG1959

    never mind, delete please.

    After the seed sprouts and stretches how deep do you plant the stem? Some same bury it some say not. I don't want to cause stem rot..I normally grow from clones.
  18. DG1959

    Oregon question

    I am in the middle of the Willamette valley... about an hour South of Portland...I have strawberry cough,cheese and later frisian dew and blackberry clones. Looking forward to the cannabis cup in Portland.
  19. DG1959

    Oregon question

    Now that my state has voted to make weed legal I hope we can buy seeds here. It would be too cool if us Oregonians could do like a seed swap... any one interested? yes, I know, July is when it actually is legal but let's get this going.