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  1. G.I.JOSE

    Understanding why Ph is irrelevant with organics

    I ran into some issues to when it came to flowering, I got in touch with the distributor and they told me that I was not watering enough to keep the soil alive, which caused efficiencies in my growth. Once I started watering more frequently more help your growth started
  2. G.I.JOSE

    Understanding why Ph is irrelevant with organics

    This is the first time I've used any organic dry Amendment.:D I usually use Advanced Nutrients line
  3. G.I.JOSE

    Understanding why Ph is irrelevant with organics

    No hard feelings bro! I'm always excited to learn.
  4. G.I.JOSE

    1st Coco Grow - Defoliate??

    I almost forgot. If you are growing 100% coco you will have to pH unfortunately..
  5. G.I.JOSE

    Understanding why Ph is irrelevant with organics

    From the distributor .. tomato
  6. G.I.JOSE

    1st Coco Grow - Defoliate??

    Earth dust has been really good to me this is my first time using the dry amendment and doing an organic grow. The base portion of the earth dust was phenomenal! I have still yet to pH water for the plants! When it comes to flowering I was having some issues with the Boost. I got in touch with...
  7. G.I.JOSE

    Understanding why Ph is irrelevant with organics

    I can attest to what @Opperhammer stated above. I'm using Earth Dust, it a dry amendment from the Green SunshineCompany. Even the manufacturer states that you do not have to pH the water. Unless you're growing in 100%...
  8. G.I.JOSE

    1st Coco Grow - Defoliate??

    Thanks! Glad I could help. Cheers! -G.I.JOSE
  9. G.I.JOSE

    Good enough light for 3 plants?

    Looks like you got a happy plant there. LOL
  10. G.I.JOSE

    First time grow! First time post!

    They all will continue to get brown or amber color. You do not want that to happen it should be about a 50/50 mix if you wanting more of a sedative like High. If you're wanting more of an energetic High it should be more milky color than Amber or brown this is based off my research I've done in...
  11. G.I.JOSE

    Good enough light for 3 plants?

    Yeah I think you should upgrade, if this is something that you're going to continue doing then definitely upgrade to the light system you spoke above. If not I would suggest going with a 600w light. My Giixer grow light (white one) has a 4ft wide footprint for growing but depending on the height...
  12. G.I.JOSE

    Good enough light for 3 plants?

    The light you stated above is more then enough for your grow bro. How big are your burpees if you have?
  13. G.I.JOSE

    First time grow! First time post!

    If the pistils are starting to dry out I would chop it. You don't want to lose any of that oh so good THC.
  14. G.I.JOSE

    One small seedling

    I'm here for you bro! Going to follow you let me know if you have any other questions that I can help you with. If I don't know the answer I can definitely refer you somebody that might. Cheers! -G.I.JOSE
  15. G.I.JOSE

    Watering my one week old seedlings

    PapaGeorge oh, you're doing the right thing. I ceilings they need just very little water. As they continue to grow on their second and third node you want to make sure to up your watering and star lightly feeding to accommodate for more root growth. At that point what I usually do is have a solo...
  16. G.I.JOSE

    1st Coco Grow - Defoliate??

    I would give a light the defoliation, especially if you plan to use LST. It'll give your girls more light penetration to build other colas. The girl was looking great BTW. Cheers! -G.I.JOSE
  17. G.I.JOSE

    Best way to switch in flower?

    What's up Leon I can't really speak to the other examples you gave but what I do is before I send to flower I'll keep the girls in darkness for 24 hours and then run my light schedule to 12:12. My stretch usually last about three and a half weeks
  18. G.I.JOSE

    One small seedling

    It's genetics bro. Don't worry sometimes the runts catch up and of the most fruitful. Just keep with it. Cheers! -G.I.JOSE
  19. G.I.JOSE

    Good enough light for 3 plants?

    What kind of grow space do you have? I have a 7x4x7 tent I run 2 600w lights . If you give what dimensions as to what your grow area is I can probably give you a better answer as far as your light is concerned
  20. G.I.JOSE

    First time grower, AlphaKronik Gobstopper , soil

    Seriously, thank you for updating. I know once warmer weather comes around I'm going to be battling those little bastards too