First time grow! First time post!


New Member
Hey guys! Long time scroller of the forums but only just made an account to post as I’m some what stuck on what to do.
This plant has been flowering up now for just over 12 weeks.
As you can tell it’s some kind of Sativa dominant strain but it was originally just bagseed - thus I have no idea on flowering times or expected finished aesthetic?
I decided to grow it out as I can’t locally source anyone with decent seeds available and I had my set up ready to go!
My problem is I am unsure as to harvest or not as I’ve seen bud development come to a stop and pistils are drying out no new ones are appearing and it’s just now starting to turn all yellow starting from the bottom.
many thoughts and suggestions recommended! A843640B-80FF-46F8-91AC-7A23B163887A.jpegC7EE4A15-BF6C-46A6-9AF6-5601F1740E99.jpeg9914B58B-C9ED-49A1-99C6-22F79CAF3F47.jpeg
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Well-Known Member
If the pistils are starting to dry out I would chop it. You don't want to lose any of that oh so good THC.


New Member
If the pistils are starting to dry out I would chop it. You don't want to lose any of that oh so good THC.
Im thinking this might be the case but I haven’t had any experience doing this. I also read that you should base it off the trichomes but I do not have access to a jewellers loupe or even a magnifying glass.
I’m also curious as to if the pistils will completely turn brown when drying or if they will stay this premature white colour . Ughhh I’m so conflicted on what to do based off my inexperience.
Sorry for the long replies.


Well-Known Member
They all will continue to get brown or amber color. You do not want that to happen it should be about a 50/50 mix if you wanting more of a sedative like High. If you're wanting more of an energetic High it should be more milky color than Amber or brown this is based off my research I've done in the past.