Man its gonna be only big money interest getting to open anything cannabis related all its all way too much money for the average joe to get involved with.
The rhode island general assembly isnt over yet, they have made revisions to the proposals and there is a plant tracking system they want to begin in 2017. I bet they will be taking names and addresses which will mean cops coming and checking up on you randomly.
If you do some reading, Rhode island has some really restrictive legislation in the works including plant count cuts and a tag system that will allow the regulative authorities (cops) to "track" those taged plants.
Yeah man sometimes the best setup is the most simple one. If you ever find yourself leaving, you should have a countermeasure setup for a issue like this one. I know its difficult to troubleshoot a issue over the phone, but next time have mixed solution in a tub thats being aerated and have your...
Also is there a huge markup for the equipment offered on that 5 up kit? I just wonder if it is significantly more cash to buy like 4 kits vs buying all the needed materials separately.
So thats great with that kind of par output, but is that with your 4 cobs or 5? I wonder what the best setup would be for a 4x8 area. The video that Mau5 put out last year had like 32 cobs on bars. The harvest video was like 4 big ones.
So is that a cutter kit? I noticed they are selling 4 cob kits with drivers that can run up to 5. I dont know why they dont sell those kits without the 5th cob. If I was gonna have a setup I would rather have the maximum lights available for my power output.
Well it doesnt cost much for a dome and it will last a lifetime compared to buying more products you dont need. With a turbo klone you can root clones in 4 days.