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  1. Twohearted

    Seeking a growing mentor

    What are you expecting? Someone to say "hey why don't you come sleep on my couch and work in my grow room!" Because that is highly unlikely, but also your best possible scenario. I think you may be suffering from some delusions of grandeur about what exactly your options are. Get a shitty job...
  2. Twohearted

    has anyone ever tried a double scrog?

    You can add as many layers of netting as you want, but if they are to tall with a SOG then you will have no light penetration to the lower nodes. You should just flower now and low stress train them to keep the vertical profile in check. Remember they are gonna almost double in size during...
  3. Twohearted

    What is this and how do I fix it?

    I agree it is probably lockout, after you flush, it may help to give the a very mild phos foliar. This seems counterintuitive, but will help to re-establish nutrient uptake from the soil and burn off the nutrients you cant flush out.
  4. Twohearted

    Plant leaf looks sick please help

    your picture is kinda blurry, but looks like it is advanced powdry mildew, post a better pic if you can, but if it is PM, i think they may be to far gone, it looks pretty bad. Sorry bro. If it is PM, you may have to kill them all, bleach your space and start over.
  5. Twohearted

    Plant count? Help!

    I agree with noham, 12 is good # for that space. It is also important to note that yield is as much a factor of time and space as it is light. A good goal to shoot for on a 12-16 week grow with good genetics is a gram per watt. And remember the plants will almost double in size during...
  6. Twohearted

    Quick question and a Good Question

    You could, but I would not recommend it. Plant has been raised inside, so it's not used to an outdoor environment. Also just seems like inviting trouble to me, neighbors, animals, bad weather, forgetfulness. If you were diligent, and had a pretty secured porch area with good sunlight, it would...
  7. Twohearted

    Need a little help identifying...

    yeah dude, that plant has ball sacks for days. male fore sure.
  8. Twohearted

    Whats Wrong With This Plant???

    Wow, where to begin.. First of all if you continue to flower that plant, it might produce 2-4 grams dry weight. The good news is, that its not to late to just put it back into veg, for at least 2 weeks, but closer to a month would be better. A plant 43 days old should be many times that size...
  9. Twohearted

    Crazy curled leaves

    Calcium and Boron deficiencies can cause twisted growth, over fertilizing can cause buildup in the soil that will then cause a lockout in the plant. There is probably more going on than just the twisted growth. If it is a deficiency there will likely be stunted growth, and the leaves and stems...
  10. Twohearted

    pruning while flowering.........

    I realize that this is an old post, but this issue came up for me in a recent grow, mostly do to overcrowding in an indoor space. It has always been my experience that with two polarizing opinions, the truth almost always lies somewhere in the middle. Some people like to prune all the way...
  11. Twohearted

    Unknown problem, new grower need help

    Looks ok, I think you just burned it a little. Looks like its already recovering.
  12. Twohearted

    Severe issue need help please

    Pics? Best way to get a quick answer.
  13. Twohearted

    Name that problem - leaf issues in veg (with pictures)

    I think you must have some buildup, most likely nitrogen, in the soil that has created some nutrient lockout issues. Most of the time, if it's just a nitrogen issue, I see more yellowing, and the leaf tips will brown and curl, not the whole leaf like that. Never seen anything quite like that...
  14. Twohearted

    need help i have some very sick girls and dont know whats wrong PICS included

    Overfeeding for sure, it's also probably causing some lockout issues. After you flush, give them a very mild foliar, make sure your foliar spray has some good nitrogen content. This will help to stimulate uptake in the soil by getting some nutrients moving through the leaves and stems again.
  15. Twohearted

    Best flowering booster

    Ditto, been working great for me also. Organics are the best! KISS
  16. Twohearted

    Need some advice, almost harvest time

    I know nothing about ice water, but here is why you should do a dark rest. Depending on the time of day, the plants vascular system trasports sugars and nutrients up and down the plant. During the day time the plant moves most of the sugars and nutrients up into the leaves, stems, and flowers...
  17. Twohearted

    Spider mites, White Fly & Alcohol

    Mighty Wash to knock out the adult population, then I use predator mites to mop up the eggs and adults that survive the Mighty Wash. This combination will control even the worst spider mite infestations. Mighty Wash is amazing, and the predator mites are much quicker, and more effective than...
  18. Twohearted

    Super Critical... Indica or Sativa?

    The sun will tell them when it is time, don't do an auto flower outside would probably just reduce potential yield.
  19. Twohearted

    Slow growing buds - AK47 in coco

    Make sure you don't have any nutrient lockout in the soil. Did you give them a nice big phosphorous boost right at the start of flowering? They might just need a little more juice, as they do appear to be growing kinda slow for 3 weeks into flowering.
  20. Twohearted

    condo organics?

    I just use a stealth 100 r/o and it works fine for me. No issues in 3 grows with the same filter. Before I had the filter in home, I used r/o water from the grocery store with supersoil, and it was also fine.