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  1. MickFoster

    11 day old white widow (do they look ok?)

    How old are they actually? Originally they were 20 days old, then you switched to 13, then you switched again to 10 days old, then you switched to 11 days old. Which is it?
  2. MickFoster

    11 day old white widow (do they look ok?)

    I have never grown in soil, so I can't help with what you should do at this point. Good luck.
  3. MickFoster

    11 day old white widow (do they look ok?)

    They're not even close to repotting.
  4. MickFoster

    11 day old white widow (do they look ok?)

    No.........18 hours of light is needed when in veg.
  5. MickFoster

    11 day old white widow (do they look ok?)

    What is your medium? Meaning, what are they growing in? What is dunger?
  6. MickFoster

    11 day old white widow (do they look ok?)

    What is your medium? What is danger?
  7. MickFoster

    11 day old white widow (do they look ok?)

    No, they don't look ok for 3 weeks old. They're extremely small........they look 3 days old. They look hungry. What is your medium? Welcome to RIU.
  8. MickFoster

    Flipping to flower tips ?

    Beautiful plants.........well done. Temps should be in the low 80's and humidity should be around 50. Length of flowering stage depends on the strain..........I rarely have a plant finish in less than 10 weeks. Good luck.
  9. MickFoster

    First time grow - spotty/yellow leafs diagntostics

    You got bugs...........look under the leaves with a magnifying glass.
  10. MickFoster


    Another flushing thread......... :wall:
  11. MickFoster

    36 hours of darkness before flip?
  12. MickFoster


    Ask @Herb & Suds about Mr. Canuck.........he has pics of his grows.
  13. MickFoster

    Seeds slow to germinate.

    Only time will tell. After 11 days without sprouting, they could be rotted due to being too wet. What medium is that?
  14. MickFoster

    Seeds slow to germinate.

    Your soil or whatever is way too wet.........possible mold.
  15. MickFoster

    Seeds slow to germinate.

    Pics? What is your medium?
  16. MickFoster

    Fortifiying COCO with CALMAG soak

    I have never seen a successful grow using dry amendments with coco coir. Maybe you'll be the first. Good luck.