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  1. W

    Why do my leaves look like this???

    I I haven’t heard of that, I’ll have to look into it!!
  2. W

    Why do my leaves look like this???

    Okay gotchya, I’ll definitely be lowering the amount of feed I give
  3. W

    Why do my leaves look like this???

    So I should just water down my nute mix for right now? I lowered the Ph of my feed and normal water because I heard it can be nicer to the plant if done. Any tips to fixing it??
  4. W

    Why do my leaves look like this???

    What do you think when you read this blob? Last grow the same thing started happening and I lost my 2 from before:((
  5. W

    Why do my leaves look like this???

    It could totally be that, a little while back I added in some more N because I believed it was lacking it. I might have done the opposite and gave it to Much
  6. W

    Why do my leaves look like this???

    I’m still trying, I can’t seem to make it work
  7. W

    Why do my leaves look like this???

    I’ve had this mother for 3 and a half months. It’s still in a 5 gallon container idk if that’s relative. I’ve been feeding nutrients once a week, water when drooping or sad. Also don’t know if it’s a problem, but when I water, nutes or straight water, I don’t let much run off come out of the...
  8. W

    Discolored fan leaves

    Well, since the one in the front looks okay, it leads me to thinking it’s not light burn. If light was the issue all of your plants would be suffering near equally. So I would say your plant is lacking Zinc. You can order some online no problem, usually mixed with manganese or iron Or find...
  9. W

    Discolored fan leaves

    It could be nutrient burn, or light burn. Make sure you’re not overdoing the nutes. Aswell as making sure your spot isn’t to hot or the light is too close:)
  10. W

    Mouldy clone leaves?

    That’s a good tip! Noted!
  11. W

    Mouldy clone leaves?

    I had the same problem! I believe it has to do with to much standing water in the dome. You want it to be humid inside the dome but no more than that. At least that’s what I think because it seemed like that and I’ve done tons of research. Moist but not too moist!!
  12. W

    I’m new to this site! I need clone help?

    Sweet!!! You already doing better than me:p
  13. W

    I’m new to this site! I need clone help?

    This was some good info! I opened it just barely to keep just a bit of circulation available. And unfortunately I Dident plan on making the mother the mother so I scrogged expecting to bud and instead turned to try cloning. Their isn’t really “bottom cuts” to be made considering the way I grew...
  14. W

    I’m new to this site! I need clone help?

    The soil I used totally has nutrients in it, so I guess I won’t do that again.
  15. W

    I’m new to this site! I need clone help?

    They have been in direct sun, so there’s one problem. Plus, I’m not sure if I cut them wrong, I made sure their was at least 2 nodes and 4 leaves plus the top growth, but I just cut right into the stems. Also the mother I used was from a white widow seed. I think between not knowing where to cut...
  16. W

    I’m new to this site! I need clone help?

    I took my first stab at cloning yesterday. Should I be worried about all of them wilting? I took 15 from one Scrogged mother, I won’t do as many next time:( I don’t know. I cut the clones with clean sharp scissors, put them in 6.8 ph cut of water, then dipped them in clone gel and put them into...