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  1. Dan Kone

    Thank you tea party patriots!

    Only in your paranoid narrow minded world view. In reality the Soviet Union is gone. We are no longer fighting them. You act like it's some sort of communist plot when countries discover it's ok to be moderates. Right now we are economically one of the most extreme right wing nations that...
  2. Dan Kone

    Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

    By years you mean centuries of course.
  3. Dan Kone

    What do Progressives Contribute to Our Country

    Tell me, which states take in more than taxes than they pay?
  4. Dan Kone

    Thank you tea party patriots!

    lol. I'm getting pretty close to being in that 1% I'm always complaining about. I'm what republicans refer to as a "job creator".
  5. Dan Kone

    Thank you tea party patriots!

    Are you kidding? I love the tea party. It's the best thing that ever happened to the democratic party. See that's the flaw in your logic. The tea party can only win elections because republicans have rigged house districts to make them more red. While the tea party might be able to control the...
  6. Dan Kone

    Thank you tea party patriots!

    Thanks for being crazy! People like you are the reason liberalism is spreading so quickly. People hear your crazy nonsense and run to the democratic party out of fear of being associated with your tin foil hat world view.
  7. Dan Kone

    Thank you tea party patriots!

    Well good for you for fighting the good fight against senior citizens trying to access medicine. Some one needs to take seniors and the disabled down a peg or two, they've got things way too good. They should be kicked out of there homes and die on the streets so you can get a better tax refund.
  8. Dan Kone

    Thank you tea party patriots!

    That's not a real thing. You can't grow in section 8 housing even with a medical card. What is a real thing was homeless camps across the country known as "Hoovervilles" due to lack of big government oversight of Wall St where people who worked their whole lives were suddenly jobless...
  9. Dan Kone

    Thank you tea party patriots!

    In reality Germany is a very economically successful and stable. They would be just fine without the US. Do you really doubt Germany's ability to raise an army and fight for itself? lol
  10. Dan Kone

    Thank you tea party patriots!

    That's an example of elimination of oversight. That's where we need MORE government, not less. And if the SEC weren't literally jacking off while the economy prepared for collapse (see the SEC porn scandal) during the Bush administration, we might have detected there was a problem. And...
  11. Dan Kone

    Thank you tea party patriots!

    Trashy people with money are still just as trashy.
  12. Dan Kone

    Thank you tea party patriots!

    Then you're ignorant. The US has one of the smallest federal governments per capita and as percentage of the economy in the world. It's a social safety net, not Wall St gambling. It's an investment in society. Sorry if that doesn't fall into your "the earth revolves around me" worldview. We...
  13. Dan Kone

    Thank you tea party patriots!

    Germany is loosely fits your description. Below average in government size, large health economy and would survive just fine without the US. Want me to really make your head explode? There is a such thing as libertarian socialism.
  14. Dan Kone

    Thank you tea party patriots!

    Nothing I love more than seeing conservatives repeat the word socialism over and over again when clearly they have no idea what it means. Makes your arguments seem very credible. Keep up the good work! Just curious - Do you not have google in Alabama? I don't understand how anyone can use a...
  15. Dan Kone

    Thank you tea party patriots!

    Totally. After the economy collapsed due to lack of government oversight, clearly what we need is less government. Keep up the crazy! It's doing great things for the democratic party.
  16. Dan Kone

    What do Progressives Contribute to Our Country

    Thanks to old conservatives who broke the economy! Fun facts: States run by conservative are more poor than democratically led states. Red states are generally the "takers" everyone complains about. Liberal states have to pay for the poor ignorant conservative states. Welfare is used more...
  17. Dan Kone

    Thank you tea party patriots!

    I can't tell you how much I appreciate the fact that what you just said makes absolutely no sense. Never give up on the crazy talk! I love it.
  18. Dan Kone

    Thank you tea party patriots!

    I'd like to thank all you tea party supporters for doing something the democrats could not accomplish. Thanks for destroying the republican party. As a liberal socialist I can not thank you enough for all you've done for us. You've made the republican party the most nationally hated political...
  19. Dan Kone

    Ok so what's the big dealz with BHO?

    Fuck god. BHO is cleaner, stronger, and yields better. Your headline is imaginary. People have been using butane lighters since 1960 and there have been no wide spread health consequences associated with it.
  20. Dan Kone

    Burning Bush Nurseries Girl Scout Cookies , Sour Deez - Legit?

    TBH I have no idea what pheno it is. I just know it's fire.