I grew out a Santa Cruz Mountain cut of GSC from harborside. Grew outdoors, no LSTing or topping, started in ground mid June harvested Oct.4. After drying it yielded 13oz of very, very tight, dense buds, a little on the small side. Haven't smoked any yet, just pulled it out of the drying house yesterday. It was very sticky before drying, haven't really examined it that close since its been dried. It was the most unusual looking cannabis plant that I've ever seen, had a different branching structure than I'm used to seeing and the sugar leaves were rounded. There seemed to be more Trics on the bottom of the sugar leaves than on the tops of them. They did turn purple later in growth when temps dropped. It was relatively easy to grow and very pest resisitent, a vigorous plant. Wish I could give you a smoke report but I've got too much going on right now, ill check it out soon and report.