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  1. R

    where are the nerds at?!?!

    well fack. ok so I figured out at max speed. I'm looking at a heart pounding 12km/hr. that's with the heaviest rider and thus minimum 'loss' of acceleration due to friction between the trolley and the cable. the low speed is due to the incline. So they recommend a 3% incline for 'non-braked...
  2. R


    all or nothing? Are you kidding me???? this isn't some dystopian novel - your life is about to change very drastically unless you pull your head out of your ass. one party wants to privatize all healthcare: providers, insurance and programs for the poor. REPUBLICANS. the private sector has...
  3. R

    Molasses would it make my buds taste better???????

    true. I did not put molasses in the soil directly. it was 1 or 2 spoonfulls per gallon. then measured the PH to make sure everything was good..... and only once a week....... rest of the time it's just plain water and nutes as usual. haven't grown inside in a while I live in place where...
  4. R

    where are the nerds at?!?!

    I consider myself pretty handy with engineering type deals but with this I need help. I am putting up a DIY zip line on a family property. Need to calculate the loads on the ends of the line. 1/4" Steel Cable- 44 meter span. 1.1 meters of sag. 2.5% incline. Max weight = 135 KGS So I...
  5. R

    Molasses would it make my buds taste better???????

    this was not a lie. i put molasses in the water before watering and the plants looked way better by the afternoon. could've been due to another factor but that day the only thing that changed was I used molasses. you can choose not to believe me I don't give a damn. I stand by what I said...
  6. R


    The retired Veterans community is a big group. It would hurt any politician who would vote to pass a bill against them, (well maybe not Sen. McCain). < It doesn't matter - that big group doesn't own as much wealth as the 500.000 or so families who are calling the shots now. Sorry man. you are...
  7. R

    What section of the cannabis laws in the place you live is laughably F*d-up?

    It is legal to buy and sell concentrates and edibles for medical purposes. The bud itself is illegal and cannot be possesed by individuals. Only the companies authorized to grow can posses the plant/bud and it cannot be bought or sold. It ends up creating a market where anybody can make...
  8. R


    fuck. let me re-explain because not everybody can have work history as a certified federal tax preparer, and I know not everybody studied accounting... your overall taxes will go up because things that you NOW deduct will be eliminated. nothing to do with the type of investment you have. it...
  9. R


    well since every conceivable and reputable economic study that has been done on this bill (which is not many, because the Repukes are rushing this thing) clearly say that every single middle class family in the USA would get absolutely shafted by this bill, and most economists that have gone on...
  10. R

    Flynn guilty of lying about quid pro quo with russia

    1) Presidential Immunity - Muehler cannot charge Trump because only Congress can charge a sitting president through impeachment. While the president is in power they can do almost anything and while they are in office they cannot be charged with a crime, sued, fined, and even every single...
  11. R

    I breastfeed and vape. And I told my mandated reporter Ththerapist.

    no they do not. well, not everywhere at least. I live in S. America and the Doctors were very clear with my wife after the CSection - you have 2 days of painkillers on this script - if you want more we can give you more but we were well informed of how dangerous it was for the baby. My...
  12. R

    The liability upstairs

    you high? if so then yes - you are being paranoid. it's called 'olfaltory numbness' or someshit - we've evolved to recognize the smell of where we live and sleep as 'neutral' and all other smells in the world are 'strange'. it is a defensive mechanism and the reason first thing we do when we...
  13. R

    Opinions on how my drug test went.

    swab tests can be fooled by just rinsing your mouth out with clean water a few minutes before the test. Take a bottle of water to the lab and wash your mouth out before going in. hair follicle tests are impossible to fool you can water down your piss and take some vitamins to paint it yellow...
  14. R

    The USA is seriously lagging behind....

    OK so I did not know if this was the corret sub-forum but whatever here it is. I recently took a trip to Europe of all places. Socialist hell-hole. Anyways my trip took me to Spain and then Italy. I must say - the USA needs to get its act together. How? The roads in Italy are the best I...
  15. R

    Cops "earn" a lot of money. Especially in NY.

    no problem with government employees earning a decent living doing a hard day's work. I don't like cops, especially in the USA with their 'SIR-YES-SIR' way of pretending to be hot shit, and the whole thin blue line - where a cop can do no wrong....... but come on - it's shitty work at least...
  16. R

    elite dangarous help i have know idea wtf to do or how 2 play

    you still play? I might pick this game back up.... just curious....
  17. R

    elite dangarous help i have know idea wtf to do or how 2 play

    This game is an RPG - so remember this is not suited for people who like Call Of Duty or that shitty Tom Clancy Airplane game - HAWX or something of the sort.... that type of heavy adventure lineal gameplay is not at all what Elite Dangerous is about..... you will not have a lineal mission...
  18. R

    Racism in the work place what can you do?

    well race is a protected class in the American workplace. however there are the correct and incorrect channels of escalation. incorrect would be to take a sledgehammer to his car, or his head. Correct escalation of this would be: 1) Tell him the behavior bothers you. straight up - tell him...
  19. R

    Why did President Lincoln violate freedom of the press laws if he wanted to "free the slaves" ?

    why would having a prolonged armed conflict be a bad thing? a prolonged armed conflict over slavery that could've gone on for 20-50 maybe 100 more years?? tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands more americans dead..... why would keeping the war going would've been a bad thing...
  20. R

    i just bought a 97 acura 2.2 cl with 271k miles on it

    that thing looks to have pretty decent ground clearance, nice sized roof rack and I can't really tell by the pic but it seems to have a sunroof.... this thing looks like it has decent ground clearance, a sunroof, roof racks.... shit not a bad ride if you ask me.... for free?!?! you...