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  1. MarijeJane

    MMPR Licensed Producer Thread

    Wow, what a fun bunch we have here. Could any of you please advise me as to where I can create a forum or thread that is for the MMPR and not against it? @ the hippy: I don't swear at you and insult you personally, I would appreciate the same respect in return.
  2. MarijeJane

    MMPR Licensed Producer Thread

    This is a thread intended for people interested in Licensed Producers working under the MMPR. Can we have positive discussion here without trolls or whiners please.
  3. MarijeJane

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Would anyone like to create a new thread or forum on here that is specifically for LPs and only MMPR discussion? No trolls or whiners? It would certainly be a more productive but maybe less entertaining read. Or maybe the trolls and whiners can simply leave this thread and allow the LPs to get...
  4. MarijeJane

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I don't waste my time on trolls
  5. MarijeJane

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Sorry to bring this issue up again, but has anyone figured out if Health Canada wants the LPs to keep all video recordings for 2 years of just the incidences? I am still having trouble finding the answer to this. Visual monitoring 43. (1) The perimeter of the licensed producer’s site must be...
  6. MarijeJane

    Anyone from Nova Scotia kicking around?

    Please stop posting false and potentially dangerous advice.:wall:
  7. MarijeJane

    Anyone from Nova Scotia kicking around?

    Thank you devil lettuce and very good advice. I generally don't feed trolls but I feel a professional responsibility when someone, either purposely or inadvertently posts crap that could kill someone. Then I can't control myself. :peace:
  8. MarijeJane

    Anyone from Nova Scotia kicking around?

    Actually, Chemotherapy and/or radiation are curative. As an example that I have done research on, pediatric cancer survival rates have increased from roughly 60% of children surviving back in the 1970's to over 90% surviving now, thanks to better drugs and treatments...
  9. MarijeJane

    Anyone from Nova Scotia kicking around?

    Please stop posting false and potentially dangerous advice.:wall:
  10. MarijeJane

    Anyone from Nova Scotia kicking around?

    Please stop posting false and potentially dangerous advice.
  11. MarijeJane

    Anyone from Nova Scotia kicking around?

    At least I don't share useless, false or dangerous information. Let's all be adults here and not try to give false information that may hurt someone. Is that too much to ask? Some people take all advice given to them as correct. Giving false information could possibly cause someone to follow...
  12. MarijeJane

    Anyone from Nova Scotia kicking around?

    A truly inspired reply from a brilliant mind! A few more links for my esteemed colleague in regards to scientific reviews of the whole PH quackery scam.
  13. MarijeJane

    Anyone from Nova Scotia kicking around?

    Wow, now your oncologist is a moron! I am sure you know much more than her or him, especially about water and human PH. I have taught lectures on this and have just learned from you how this works! I found a few rudimentary links to help me understand your expertise in the areas of...
  14. MarijeJane

    Anyone from Nova Scotia kicking around?

    to gb123: I appreciate your intent and willingness to help but, you are giving medical advice and it is incorrect. Cannabis oil may increase or decrease blood pressure, there is no solid evidence based research on blood sugar in relation to cannabis. Your statement that "water raises your PH"...
  15. MarijeJane

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    "theres also large wording catches, like not how large the building is compares to security layout or fencing sizes. " I appreciate you sharing info, and your CV sounds impressive.... but I am confused. Where are the wording catches about "how large the building is compared to security...? I...
  16. MarijeJane

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    That is interesting information but how did you get it? I know of at least 2 currently licensed LPs that are less than 200 meters from houses. I know of at least one that is much less than 20k sq. ft. I agree nothing is moving fast. I hadn't heard the 6-8 months for security checks. Could...
  17. MarijeJane

    Health Canada Proposes Amendments to MMPR

    You are correct that Nurse Practitioners are authorized by Health Canada but.... there are no provincial or territorial governing body that allows NPs to prescribe narcotics at this time.
  18. MarijeJane

    I thought this was really funny until I thought about it a bit....

    Actually, the smoking laws in Ontario only pertain to "tobacco" smoke specifically. They do not apply to any other smoked product. 9. (1) No person shall smoke tobacco or hold lighted tobacco in any enclosed public place or enclosed workplace. 2005, c. 18, s. 9. (2) No person shall smoke or...
  19. MarijeJane

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I don't understand you Hippy. Why so much ill will directed at anybody? It sounds like you are a 12 year old boy that gets bullied a lot and this is your best attempt at fighting back. Go tell your mommy why you are so sad and stop the hate.
  20. MarijeJane

    Pharma's comin 2 to 12/g ???

    Thank you leafan, I really appreciate that. I hope that there are more like me out there, and I hope that Health Canada will allow smaller, farm based LPs to proceed and become licensed soon. We have waited a very long time. We applied in July 2013, and now are waiting for our pre-license...