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  1. Dr.StickyFingers

    UFO led???

    Never used an LED So I cant say much but there is an experiment in a organic chemistry room of my university. 4 plants are growing. same genetics and same medium. The 2 under a 90 watt UFO LED are about 2/3 the size of those under a 250 watt HID just to have a general idea.
  2. Dr.StickyFingers

    NFT system setup for more space?

    So I'm planning to switch over to a NFT system setup and still want to more have space. instead of main 1 res and 1 pump beneath the plants to catch the runoff like normal NFT set up I was thinking of putting just 1 small and short container with a pump to catch the run off and pump it back to a...
  3. Dr.StickyFingers

    smorgasbord of problems, help needed

    I cannot see any bugs so I dont think thats the issue so going off what everyone has said I'm thinking either nutrient burn because the PPM keeps rising almost 50ppm per day or the reservoir temperature is way too hot causing nutrient lockout? Does anyone have more information? So far I've put...
  4. Dr.StickyFingers

    smorgasbord of problems, help needed

    One other thing the roots are brown but healthy. I'm positive its not root root because the new roots are white as snow. I think they are just stained dark from the GH Micro and Kelp extract. The top main roots however are slightly green with white bumps but I had someone tell me that its just...
  5. Dr.StickyFingers

    smorgasbord of problems, help needed

    so my ladies seem like they're suffering.. Heres a little info... 1000 watt MH ~1 month into veg 2 Critical Kush LST RH - 25-30% Temperature -77-86 (These are not things I can control, its incredibly hot where I live. I have already tried everything except AC which im not willing to buy)...
  6. Dr.StickyFingers

    Can't identify this problem black dots

    White dots = eggs Black dots = Poop, doo doo, feces, turd, excrement Check for brownish spots... look very very closely. They are hard to see and it is even harder to see them move... if you see this tho most likely its spider mites. underneath the leaces
  7. Dr.StickyFingers

    Pale/White spots and specks on leaves?

    SO after looking more closely it turned out to be spider mites. They really are the size of a pin head and hard to see, its even harder to see them move without a microscope. They look like brownish specks. I also saw white balls, im guessing these were eggs. As for the black dots.... I can only...
  8. Dr.StickyFingers

    Pale/White spots and specks on leaves?

    So I have had my room dialed in for a while now and this is the first time I'm coming across something like this or any problem for that matter... I went on vacation for a week and had a friend look over them, I came back and the leaves especially the bottom fan leaves seem to have white spots...
  9. Dr.StickyFingers

    what size fan

    is your light cool tube? are you running a scrubber? if it is a cooltube you can take some tubing connect the cooltube to the booster fan and cool your light while you have an inline to vent the room seperately. based on the dimensions of your tent youre probably going to want to go with a...
  10. Dr.StickyFingers

    Is this good material for a tent?

    If the main reflective material is aluminum than I don't think so?... I don't know what that is exactly but I believe that using aluminum foil creates hot spots that can burn your plants which is why most people either use mylar or panda film... I'm not completely 100% sure on this though... I...
  11. Dr.StickyFingers

    LED problem? Veg vs Flower?

    While researching LEDs and playing with the idea of making a cheap DIY LED I came across this chart... When vegging with CFLs or HIDs we tend to use 6500K. We don't use any 2700K while vegging and if some people do, not much.. At least I dont... My question is and what I cant seem to wrap my...
  12. Dr.StickyFingers

    16 autoflower vs 4 fem 2.5 months?

    No, sorry let me clarify I meant that if I start my seeds now they will be in full bloom when I have to move.
  13. Dr.StickyFingers

    16 autoflower vs 4 fem 2.5 months?

    I have found myself in a dilemma. I am moving to a new place in 2.5 months and I can't really be seen moving 4 MJ plants in full bloom throughout the apartment complex without raising a few eyebrows... and obviously it would be impossible to move the girls while their INSIDE the tent because it...
  14. Dr.StickyFingers

    Silica and cannabis

    "Growmore seaweed extract" but you can use any seaweed/kelp extract as long as it is produced from ascophyllum nodosum using a cold water process.
  15. Dr.StickyFingers

    Silica and cannabis

    Thread seems dead but I'll put my 2 cents in. Think of a concrete wall that is made out of individual hollow cinder blocks, this represents the cell walls. These walls are almost always reinforced with pieces of rebar metal rods. The silica are the metal rods that reinforce the wall. The walls...
  16. Dr.StickyFingers

    Scrog or not to scrog?

    FIM + SCROG. Works wonders for me. FIM at 5 nodes it will make 4 main colas and then scrog.
  17. Dr.StickyFingers

    400 CFM fan too good to be true?

    So you've actually bought and used it, with all these replies I'm even more skeptical but whats your room size and did you use it unrestricted? or ducted to a carbon filter and/or cool tube?
  18. Dr.StickyFingers

    400 CFM fan too good to be true?

    Currently running a 600Watt cooltube and a scrubber w/ one fan I was looking online for a second fan for ventilating the tent w/ scrubber attached and came across this...
  19. Dr.StickyFingers

    Stealth Apartment Setup?

    Hey! I had the same problem a couple years back when I was living in an apartment with room mates. They didn't really care much about weed but they would not have been happy with the smell and a big old conspicuous grow box. I made my own grow light w/ 3 watt LEDS. About 90 bulbs total. You...
  20. Dr.StickyFingers

    Is this super dirty ol' joint smokable?

    So I was cleaning out some shi* and came across this dirty old joint covered in spider webs and dust haha. It must have been from AGES AGO because it was rolled pretty horribly and I haven't rolled something that crappy for a couple of years... anyways I opened it up.. there was no smell coming...