the hood I have atm in a sunlight system can run mh or hps lights with a switch for 250w or 400w I went 250 for heat time goes on im goona invest in a larger tent for flowering ect..
feel the leaves do they feel crispy or wet? but yea id say for sure its either over/underwatered normally if overwatered they will really droop from being well wet
she looks ro pretty in my eyes I think ill leave her be..i went ahead and foliage fed her a lil to with sum cal mag im pretty sure she got a small iron defiency starting but here is 2 pics out of the tent and under normal lights at a few bud sights
its pretty hot when I hold the back of my hand under it it may be closer than that she is in night cycle atm or id check when lights come on ill check again and get back with ya on that