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  1. cowboyferg

    new member just joined

    lol my wife keeps telling me leave um alone there beutifull but im lil paroniod I suppose this the furthest ive ever gotten with out killing them thanks to reading a lot of posts on rollitup forums WOOT!!!
  2. cowboyferg

    new member just joined

    k so better to do lil earlier (day21) and only one time gotcha..i know the pics are real good and only three but do you see any defiencies ect..
  3. cowboyferg

    new member just joined

    right on was on myschedule to do that day 25 and final pruning tlc on day 35 that bout right?
  4. cowboyferg

    Light green plant brown edges...

    looks a lot like to me anyways is nitro toxcitity no more nutes for a few waterings pry take care of it just keep I eye on them it isn't to bad so ya caought it early
  5. cowboyferg

    First time grow, plant issues and advice please.

    there young keep um moist let them grow a bit
  6. cowboyferg

    Welcome New Members!

    hey hey everyone new member tonight just is everyone doing?
  7. cowboyferg

    new member just joined

    yea gotta love star wars man hey can ya tell me wat ya think of my girl she in her 15th day of flower any tips would be helpfull
  8. cowboyferg

    new member just joined

    haha right on was beging to think I was the only one on here
  9. cowboyferg

    How's it look?

    nice ..good size room you got going there man.. me am on my first grow so will appreciate any comments good or bad..oh and also this is my first nite as a member!!! WOOT.. she is in 15th day flower how she looking so far guys?
  10. cowboyferg

    HELP first time grow

    100 percent male sorry for the bad news
  11. cowboyferg

    First grow ever. good bad or ugly?

    looking good man this my first grow also watcha thimk
  12. cowboyferg

    Welcome New Members!

    hey what happening everyone new member here as of well right now... hows everyone doing this evening?
  13. cowboyferg

    new member just joined

    hey hey whats up and how is everyone..glad to have joined although this is my first forms ect I have ever joined so lets fire it up
  14. cowboyferg

    Melbs92's grow thread

    my first grow and my first ever post what do you all think so far 15th day of flowering
  15. cowboyferg

    hows she look day 15 of flowering my first grow ever

    my first grow would luv sum feed back on how she looking so far and any tips are appreciated
  16. cowboyferg

    soaking up info

    soaking up info