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  1. BobCajun

    Medical marijuana producers bristle at Ontario's planned monopoly on recreational cannabis sales

    If it actually happens, legalization will boost BM sales and provide cover. People won't be skittish about buying an oz of weed from you when they know that if they get pulled over on the way home, no biggie. And since they can't buy quantity from LPs, guess who they'll have to go to if they...
  2. BobCajun

    Cutting Leaves in Half to Get More Thc?

    It's possible in theory, because the plant may sense that it's being eaten by bugs and put out extra bug defense, meaning resin. CBG and THCA induce cell apoptosis in insects (death) and resin also acts as sticky traps. Apparently plants can take about 25% defoliation with no ill effects but...
  3. BobCajun

    Go Green LEDs Cree CXB3070 grow lights

    People have tried adding black lights and it didn't help. That's what UVA is, black light. Get some black lights and try it if you want. Just don't expect much benefit. I didn't see any when I tried them, though it was just small CFLs.
  4. BobCajun

    HLG Arduino Dimming

    Actually I just thought of something. Since an Arduino puts out 5v and 5v makes the driver dim to 50%, you might be able to wire it straight up, as long as you only want the driver to be at 50% current during the on part of the duty cycle. That means you could run the LEDs at half the driver...
  5. BobCajun

    HLG Arduino Dimming

    You hook an optocoupler to the Arduino PWM output, hook the dimmer leads to the output of the optocoupler and use a code like this. The optocoupler reverses things so low in the code is actually the on time and high is the off time. You also need a 250 ohm resistor on the output from the Arduino...
  6. BobCajun

    Dim LEDs near harvest ?

    Well considering that the day length never gets more than a few minutes shorter than 10 hours in Kabul Afghanistan, I doubt any Indica dominant strain would benefit from less. Probably acclimated to ripen by the time it gets down to 10. On the red light, with LEDs you sacrifice light output to...
  7. BobCajun

    Dim LEDs near harvest ?

    Oh yeah, cool. Have you used that cycle for a full flowering yet or is it a new thing you're trying? If you used it before, how did it turn out?
  8. BobCajun

    Big yielded but resistant to mold

    Need more fans blowing over the plants. Like between the lights and the canopy. Also, you seem to be pulling a lot of air through the room with all the extraction fans. Unless it has hepa filters on the intake it must be pulling a lot of dirty air through, with mold spores and stuff. And smoking...
  9. BobCajun

    Dim LEDs near harvest ?

    There's a person with a whole thread on his 8/16 flower cycle, Torontoke is his forum name. Seems to like it for some reason. It works, but it must reduce yield. No way 8 hours could equate with 12 hours light, but plants can still grow on it. Even down to 6 hours works, just with slower growth...
  10. BobCajun

    Minimum requirements

    Look at this oddly lax part of the regs. Five plants to get one gram. I guess it means one gram per day but still. What does it take to grow a plant, 90 days total let's say? Do you suppose you could get 90 g from 5 plants? Maybe small ones I guess. Another weird thing is that you can buy seeds...
  11. BobCajun

    Dim LEDs near harvest ?

    I use 24 hours dark at the end, to burn off all stored starch. Makes a less harsh product. I have an article that says "Haney and Kutscheid (1973) demonstrated that wild hemp populations in Illinois were highest in cannabinoids when stressed, either by nutrient limitations or by drought...
  12. BobCajun

    Cannabis Control Board Ontario

    The curing that I developed has several stages, any one of which if skipped produces inferior product. There's washing related steps, temperature related steps, humidity related steps. It's complex. Just hanging the plants up and later jarring them ain't gonna cut it. That's amateur hour processing.
  13. BobCajun

    Tssc. It not there no more OR IS. It

    I don't know, Attitude I guess. They seem to get good reviews.
  14. BobCajun

    Cannabis Control Board Ontario

    Good luck running an indoor LP in Ontario, and competing with ones in Quebec. Slight difference in power rates, like 3 to 1. Even with a greenhouse you'd have to supplement in the winter. Not that it matters much because I doubt if one nerd owned growery in 100 could put out anything but schwag...
  15. BobCajun

    Tssc. It not there no more OR IS. It

    The Toronto Sport and Social Club?
  16. BobCajun

    first time cloning,is my clone stunned?

    Light inhibits rooting, and so does lack of oxygen. That was the worst possible cloner you could have chosen. Peat pellet + plastic bag= rooted cutting. Or peat moss in cup if you don't want to use the pellets. Something to keep light out and be moist but also airy, peat's easy to find. Could...
  17. BobCajun

    Cloners-need advice

    Peat pellets. 9"x9" container. Just sit them in there after expanded with water and put the cuttings in them, 9-16 cuttings fit well, I usually do 12. You don't need much space betwen them. Mine looks like solid cuttings, touching each other. No need to use more space than necessary, right? I...
  18. BobCajun

    LED vs vertical HPS (PPF and other things)

    You can mix light sources, and maybe get something better than any single source by itself. For instance, I mixed HPS with LED and got the benefit of the far red in the HPS and also bumped up the blue spectrum with the LEDs. Growth is crazy, and no bleaching from the LEDs anymore like when I had...