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  1. BobCajun

    Solventless pressed rosin pros

    You wouldn't press fresh material, because a bunch of plant juice would get pressed out. You only press dried material, not over dried just normal air dried. I wouldn't bother though, because it's a crazy way to accomplish something which is otherwise easier, with isopropanol in freezing...
  2. BobCajun

    Mystery precipitate - ice?

    Maybe there's a lot of isobutane in your butane. Isobutane can form solids, called hydrates, unlike regular butane. My advice is never use anything with a lot of isobutane it. Maybe it gets purged out, maybe not, IDK. But considering that butane extracts are consistently in the 70% THCA range...
  3. BobCajun

    First go at shatter what y’all thin?

    You know the "putty" I described earlier? Well actually I think it's the best product of all, even better than the "rock resin". Why? Quite simple, because breaking down the rock makes a lot of little chips. With the putty you can just work extra bits back into the ball. After I made a big rock...
  4. BobCajun

    First go at shatter what y’all thin?

    Looks good for shatter, just that what are the good points about shatter? It's called shatter for a reason, it shatters when you break a piece off, into a million tiny splinters. Let's just say it's not particularly user friendly as far as breaking down into smaller amounts. What you really want...
  5. BobCajun

    Bottom Lighting

    I found that blasting high wattage on the top of plants only makes the tops smaller and drier, but if I only blast about 30 watts/sq ft LED on the top and also blast about the same wattage upward from the bottom, just above pot level, I get both higher quality and yield. It's actually surprising...
  6. BobCajun

    ISO Alcohol saturation point?

    I can confirm that repouring the same alcohol through the weed column about 5 times produces the most solid extract. And the stuff you get at the end by pouring pure alcohol through a couple times is as solid as the first stuff, just less of it, about half as much. Why it all comes out more...
  7. BobCajun

    First time Qwiso or BHO run, please help

    With alcohol I think it's good to keep pouring it back through several times. I recently got a batch of iso extract that was very solid and almost white. I later remembered that what I did different that time was the reusing of the same alcohol, because I read that it will keep picking up more...
  8. BobCajun

    ISO wash Not right,

    Has to not be crushed or broken up at all. Has to be shoved into a column as hard as possible, at room temperature, while moist enough to be flexible, meaning 60% RH or more. Then you gotta freeze it at lowest temperature of the freezer overnight, not just a couple hours. A packed column/pop...
  9. BobCajun

    99.98% THCa Thc

    Here's how it looks after overnight in a closed container with some calcium chloride pellets, which pulled a lot of water out, still a bit more to go judging by the weight. It actually looks lighter than this in real life, light tan or gold color. If you look at it with a magnifying glass you...
  10. BobCajun

    99.98% THCa Thc

    I just made a batch up. Started with 10 g of extract. It's still drying so don't know the yield, looks pretty high though. There was just a little bit of sludge that got filtered out after reaction with the soda. After reaction and dilution, anything that doesn't dissolve is crud, or possibly...
  11. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    BTW I got about 20 g yield on that batch. I didn't evaporate the iso but diluted it with water with salt and citric acid added. All that extract shown came from the precipitate after sitting in the fridge overnight. All I got from letting the liquid sit for another day was about 3 g so most of...
  12. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    I made some fudge, freezer iso fudge that is. It set up immediately on cooling after getting it hot enough to mix the gathered chunks together on parchment into a disk about 1/8" thick. It developed a variegated coloration, looks like veins of crystal THCA. I broke the disk up into convenient...
  13. BobCajun

    99.98% THCa Thc

    I was just doing the description based on memory. I may have diluted with a fair amount of water before the first filtering, rather than after, for instance. Didn't actually weigh for yields, but looked almost quantitative. I actually didn't expect it to work, so didn't put much detail into it...
  14. BobCajun

    99.98% THCa Thc

    I recently found an easy way to get what seems to be fairly pure THCA. I dissolved some freezer made iso extract in a little iso, it was just an experiment so it was only about a gram in maybe 5-10 mls of iso. I put about an equal volume of baking soda in as the amount of extract. Then I...
  15. BobCajun

    Drying in 35-40% rh environment

    Calcium chloride pellets. Brings the RH to about 35% in a closed container. Spread in thin layer, not a couple inches, because it will form into a solid rock instead of liquefying if there's too much. When it absorbs water and liquefies just pour the liquid out and put a new thin layer of...
  16. BobCajun

    What Concentrate? Not BHO?

    My current favorite extraction method. Let buds dry for a day or two, just until the leaves russell but buds are still plenty moist, then stuff into a 2 liter plastic pop bottle with the bottom cut off and a hole drilled in the cap, tamp it down well with the bottom of a jar or whatever. No...
  17. BobCajun

    Legalization advancing in Canada - Senate passes Bill C45 with amendments

    Haven't posted here in a while, but couldn't find anywhere else to post about Canadian legalization, surprisingly few forums around on it. So anyway a few things that I found recently may be worth sharing so others can use it somehow to get the laws made more fair than currently planned...
  18. BobCajun

    Will 10 hrs of light make my plant stunted?

    I'm just not even going to post on this forum anymore. I get nothing out of it and way too many idiots annoying me. Fucking waste of time. You guys have fun arguing with each other though. Seems to be the majority of the posts these days.
  19. BobCajun

    ChilLED grow light

    Touche. Not a big weed growing zone though.
  20. BobCajun

    Will 10 hrs of light make my plant stunted?

    Yeah weed really did make my teeth get infected, every damn time I started using it again. Exactly why I'm not using it now. You're a fucking jackass, so please don't mention me or address me again. If you do, I'll just fuck you up like I do every other jackass on here. Kind of fun but does get...