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  1. CrazyChester

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    You probably won't have the problems I had since you started early. Next time I'll take your advice and start as soon as I see flowers. I'll still get about a half pound from this plant which would nearly fill my needs for the year. And I'll get nearly the same from the other plant as long as...
  2. CrazyChester

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I went out this morning and after 3 doses of BT I still had worms. So I decided to start taking the plant down. As I started manicuring the buds I learned a little about Bud Worms. They seem to hatch and grow from the inside of the bud and then eat and crap their way out. Sometimes they take a...
  3. CrazyChester

    bud rot

    My first pic in this thread shows one of the little buggers. I think they can change color to match the bud that they are munching.
  4. CrazyChester

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I've only lost about 4 buds. I removed the damaged buds cleaned them up, fast dried them and gave them a smoke. WOW! I'm hoping I've got them under control but if not I'm going to harvest my plant. Its about two weeks from finishing but I'd rather harvest early than loose it all to the worms...
  5. CrazyChester

    Need to leave them from september on. will they survive until harvest?

    Just hope the bud worms don't get em.
  6. CrazyChester

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Yep, that's the stuff. With veggies you can spray and harvest the same day. I've read that ranchers feed it to animals to ride them of certain parasites. The directions say to mix one or two teaspoons per gallon so I mixed it at 2 tsp/gal and haven't seen any plant damage. I'm going to spray a...
  7. CrazyChester

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Thanks, I'll cut off the damaged buds this morning. Is it better to completely saturate the plant with BT or would it be better to hit it more often and use less. With my veggies I hit it until its just wet then hit it again about 3 days latter.
  8. CrazyChester

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    The first two pics show the type of damage done to the three buds in question. Now that I've sprayed, should I remove the damaged buds? Thanks fdd for your comment. I remembered correctly your advise from last year.
  9. CrazyChester

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    The buds on my infested plant are about three weeks out from harvest so I'll hit it again in about 10 days then let it finish. My other plant is about 4 to 5 weeks out so I might have to hit it twice. If I remember correctly fdd sprayed his last year up until about two or three weeks before...
  10. CrazyChester

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Chowing down on your buds at this very moment. At least their chowing down on mine. I hit them with some with some BT this evening. I have a question or two for those who have used BT in the past. Does it effect the quality of the weed. (Taste, Buzz....) And is it really safe for smoking. How...
  11. CrazyChester

    Two Plant update Pics

    I took some more Pics of Westie and Eastie Today. Thnought I'd share. You can see the tricombs on Eastie are really beginning to show. Westie's tricombs are not developing nearly as fast. I'm hoping that Westie is going to be as good as Eastie but I have my doubts. Using your digital photo...
  12. CrazyChester

    Molasses vs. Honey

    I used molasses last year. I don't really know if it did any good because I've never grown any without using it. But what the hell if its good enough for fdd its good enough for me. I'm using it again.
  13. CrazyChester

    Time to flush?!

    Let her grow. When the hairs are almost completely brown and they actually start to wither. It seems like forever and everyday you want to chop chop. But every day they get a little better. Not enough to really see the difference but still better. If you take pictures daily of the same buds you...
  14. CrazyChester

    This years plants pics closeups and Tie down

    Durban Poison you say. Man I sure wish I knew for sure what strains I'm growing. I've been growing the same two strains for the past two years and am real happy with the stone they give me. Last year my yeald was 11 ozs. which is just about what I use in a year. I have about an oz. left and...
  15. CrazyChester

    This years plants pics closeups and Tie down

    Actually I have 5 rocks tied to the five would be colas. I bends them enough so my neighbor can't see them. If I need to I'll add more.
  16. CrazyChester

    This years plants pics closeups and Tie down

    This years plants are coming along pretty well. I have two different unknown varities that were from some great shit I bought a few years ago. Check out how I have kept them from growing over the height of the fence. I call them Sunrise and Sunset. I started with Six plants and had 4 males. I...
  17. CrazyChester

    Should I top it for security reasons

    I was concerned that it would snap because another plant split right down the middle. I did bend it really slow but as the colas formed and got heavy it split. Enlighten me about FIM.
  18. CrazyChester

    Should I top it for security reasons

    I've got one plant that has grown to the top of the fence. Its safe as long as It can't be seen from over the fence because there's a storage building about a foot away from the fence. But if it get over the fence the neighbor (a devout mormon and rabid conservative) will be able to see it from...
  19. CrazyChester

    Finish Building Another Guitar

    Yeah, I build them entirely from scratch. Select the wood cut it on a band saw. round it over, shape it, route the control cavity, cut the neck, shape it, install truss rod, cut and slot the fretboard, attach it to the neck finish shaping install the frets and level, crown and bevel them. Then...
  20. CrazyChester

    Finish Building Another Guitar

    I've refinished drums but building anything perfectly round is really tough. I built my first guitar in 1964 and have got in and out of this addiction many times. Now I have my son-in-law who has a fantastic cabinet building business with every tool imaginable. He was certainly a good catch for...