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  1. cowboyferg

    Please haaaaaaalp!!!!!

    agreed very well could be ph flux
  2. cowboyferg

    Please help identifying defeciency!

    almost looks like nitrogen Toxicity them leaves look pretty dark green to me along with the browning and burnt leaf tips just my 2 cents but id check for pest first before I went adding more or less nutes to be sure
  3. cowboyferg


    I'm gonna take a shot and say magnesium defiency give a dose of calmag nutrients
  4. cowboyferg

    first grow floweing - problem diagnosis needed!!! (pics inl.)

    yea anything that crawls in your soil can not be good lol
  5. cowboyferg

    Please haaaaaaalp!!!!!

    looks like magnese not magniusm defiency
  6. cowboyferg

    Weird Twisted Growth

    I have to go with the doc on this one
  7. cowboyferg

    Anthocyanins purple stems

    that is just sooo juicy looking man..dam makes my mouth water lol
  8. cowboyferg

    soil and pest question

    not a bad idea cant hurt
  9. cowboyferg

    soil and pest question

    was trying to avoid cooking but was thinking if I spread it out and let it dry if that would help
  10. cowboyferg

    soil and pest question

    will spreading out your soil and letting dry out before u use get rid of gnats that are already in the soil?
  11. cowboyferg

    advise on my seedling

    right on thank guys for the help I'm so hopeing she makes it
  12. cowboyferg

    advise on my seedling

    she looking lil better this morning
  13. cowboyferg

    advise on my seedling

  14. cowboyferg

    advise on my seedling

    would pulling out of tent and put back on heat help any?
  15. cowboyferg

    advise on my seedling

  16. cowboyferg

    advise on my seedling

    yea haven't touched your as of right now but this is my second grow 1st one failed she hermied on me so I ordered a few seeds and that came out kinda scaring me lol
  17. cowboyferg

    advise on my seedling

    she just broke soil this morning looks pretty tiny and weak.should I leave her alone? recommendation plz
  18. cowboyferg

    seedling help

    busted soil this morning should help her any? if so any recommendations?
  19. cowboyferg

    What is this and what can it do to my plants

    one drop if non bacterial dish soap or ivory soap to a gallon of water and buy one of them YELLOW sticky pad to hang in grow area..cover to soil with perlite or sand to stop the adults from laying eggs till ya get them under control