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  1. Dryxi

    What deficiency is this?

    only the upper canopy. nothing happening on the bottom fan leaves
  2. Dryxi

    What deficiency is this?

    I am pretty sure this is a deficiency of some nutrient but not sure what. I am growing in amended soil from buildasoil (2nd full grow in it), blumat watering, stable temps at 82 day / 76 night, and stable humidity at 65/60. Sealed room, co2 @ 1800. 1250w HLG lights over a 4x6 area. Any...
  3. Dryxi

    automated Irrigation in michigan

    How big of a set up are you doing? Pretty sure companies can consult you on how to set up your space with their product. A lot of people here can give you advice too. Are you looking for phone numbers or advice on how to set it up? Need more info for the latter
  4. Dryxi

    Grow medium/method with least upkeep?

    I use amended soil notill style in 4x4 beds, with blumats attached to rainwater system and cover crop. Use beneficials for IPM. Literally walk in daily just for a minute or two to say hi and check environment. Don't have to worry about water, nutes, bugs, much of anything. I've had spidermites...
  5. Dryxi

    Why so different?

    Seeds are not completely the same across a single strain. Each one has the possibility of being different so some variation is expected
  6. Dryxi

    Unsatisfying yields

    Training the plant = more veg time (esp something like topping or manifolding) More veg time, more tops, even canopy throughout the grow space these are things you can do to get more yield without needing to upgrade your system to get more than you did last time. An even canopy is the goal...
  7. Dryxi

    Climate control, what do you use?

    Commercial Dehumidifer (70pt) for humidity, 9k minisplit, and I use auto pilot greenhouse controller (F90 version). Atm I go for 83°F and ~65% humidity
  8. Dryxi

    Unsatisfying yields

    The light is a part of how to hit those numbers but environment is a bigger. You can have the best light, but without a great environment your not going to hit the goals. Reason i moved on from a tent to a sealed room.
  9. Dryxi

    Unsatisfying yields

    This was pretty true. Most of the time people do not hit big numbers on their firstfew grows.
  10. Dryxi

    Unsatisfying yields

    I think there are some variables unaccounted for to explain the difference in your yields. Was it the same strain/clones? If its seeds, you can expect some differences. Did you harvest at the same time (if its clones), maybe you harvested a little earlier this last time. Did you track everything...
  11. Dryxi

    Unsatisfying yields

    You have a single 600w light in that space? Are you only growing in half of it?
  12. Dryxi

    Unsatisfying yields

    How long did you veg? That also plays a part. Sometimes people say they are getting 2-3lbs a light but maybe they were vegging for 3 months compared to say 2 weeks.
  13. Dryxi

    Small Timeline Issue - Should I flip to flower?

    Damn, such a ez solution that I just never thought of lol ya I think cutting em right before I leave and letting them come back for 2 weeks will really help out. Thank you
  14. Dryxi

    Small Timeline Issue - Should I flip to flower?

    So I was planning on flipping to flower next week or so when my plants reach my scrog net. ATM they are about 4 inches short of it. I had an unexpected emergency and I have to leave for 12 days, starting on the 11th. My issue is I do not want to completely ruin my scrog plan, but I also do not...
  15. Dryxi

    best insulation for walls in grow room

    Are you trying to DIY this job? You did ask for the best, and closed cell spf would be it. If you can answer 3 questions yes then go with it. Is the room permanent? Do you have the money to pay for the job to get done right? Is there enough outlets, wire size, power, etc to allow for upgrades...
  16. Dryxi

    Leaves turning Black week 9 - 12

    Do you have any pictures showing the change in color?
  17. Dryxi

    Fine spider web on main cola, late into flowering

    It can come on pretty fast and start turning portions of the affected buds a darker, blacker color. That is bud rot. The cooler temps and higher humidity wont help for sure
  18. Dryxi

    Fine spider web on main cola, late into flowering

    Spidermites will leave white specks all over your fan leaves. They won't be stuck to the buds alone, so mold is likely if you cant find evidence of spidermites on other leaves
  19. Dryxi

    Fine spider web on main cola, late into flowering I've used them many times and predator mites do wonders for preventing spidermites from taking over. They also cant fly away or really travel very far. Using them during like mid or late veg is a good time so you can spread them around and they have plenty of canopy to...
  20. Dryxi

    Grow Room or 4x4 tent?

    I grew in a 5x5 gorilla tent and had it in a place where I could only easily access the front... I hated it. So much so that I now built out a grow room in my shed. I found that since I wanted to use my lights effectively, I ran a 4x4 canopy for the scrog in the 5x5, which gave me some space...