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  1. Rocket Soul

    LM301H vs LM301H-EVO

    Sorry, reading this back myself after finishing; its a pretty long and rambly thing, i dont blame anyone for not getting my point, its almost the definition of tldr... I skimmed the study a bit, enough to recognize having read it before and remember it and what i thought about it; i may have...
  2. Rocket Soul

    Is PAR Just Another Gimmick?

    Yes par might be bullshit in the case of a growlight that has super high par but nothing in mentioned nm. However, can you give one example of such a light? Full par but no reds no blues in any shape? Until you actually find one par is going to be quite relevant.
  3. Rocket Soul

    Last questions before January 8

    Actually, i do have a question, to what extent are the strips water proof? I know you can spray with them but can you splash down the light with a hose? I know you rec liquid electric tape on the solder points but will standard electric tape work aswell? The liquid stuff seems hard to source...
  4. Rocket Soul


    Its hard to say but those bud sites way at the bottom is best cleaned off.
  5. Rocket Soul

    Last questions before January 8

    No questions, just sorry youre leaving, but will stay in touch. All the best
  6. Rocket Soul


    Penetration: im not exactly sure this is a real thing. How do you know you have low penetration? By measuring by light or by how much lower buds you get? If its by lower buds: this isnt so much a low light thing, rather a plant management issue; we get nice big buds 16" down where light levels...
  7. Rocket Soul


    Agree, thats tons of light. Op: have you even tried to grow with this? (Checked your posting and seems like you already grow with this) Not sure im counting your watts rught but it sounds like youre using about 50w per 2 cobs, 12 cobs total, 300w?!? Thats a lot of watts! If you want to add more...
  8. Rocket Soul

    LM301H vs LM301H-EVO

    A few notes and thoughts: Far red/emmerson effect: its probably important to note that emmerson is a low light reaction, i think it mainly happens at sub 150 ppfd iirc. At full flower intensity im not sure if its even there. Far red does many thing that its hard to differentiate whats going on...
  9. Rocket Soul

    Day 24..just topped her and started her low stress training!! How do she look?

    I agree, and a bit over lit. Purple stems and fading pale green.
  10. Rocket Soul

    Light build/design help

    Cutters clone of plc strips are usually a little bit more than 36V, you can check the 36A driver which gives you a few more volts with manual voltage regulation Since youre using 2x320w drivers for what i understand to be a 4x4: youll have plenty light, you may not need the most expensive...
  11. Rocket Soul

    LM301H vs LM301H-EVO

    If youre using standard diodes theres absolutely no extra spectrum cover using diodes between 2700k to 10000k, you just get an average of blues/greens/reds but nothing extra is covered in those spectrum. Unless theres a nonstandard photon pump or something.
  12. Rocket Soul

    2x3 with house hould 14w leds in a cupboard

    Incandescent are high in reds, far reds and infra reds; the same reds that standard leds are low in. Ive seen the same type of individual bulb setup flower very well with just a touch of incandescent. Watch out for stretch though.
  13. Rocket Soul

    2x3 with house hould 14w leds in a cupboard

    Id recommend a couple of low watt incandescents for after stretch.
  14. Rocket Soul


    Then both are probably not enough.
  15. Rocket Soul


    That is probably too much light, id drop the kingled or use the two lights on lower power. 600+ watts, thats a lot for a 4x4.
  16. Rocket Soul

    Is PAR Just Another Gimmick?

    Not quite sure what youre getting at: yes some blue is helpfull in veg, red is helpfull both in veg and flower. The mixed boards: if you somehow control the power to each type of diode, yeah, use more blue in veg. But if theyre mixed on the same circuit it just adds up and mixes, 2700k + 6500k...
  17. Rocket Soul

    LM301H vs LM301H-EVO

    Another point id like to mention for discussion: has anyone evaluated the difference in how a led spectrum performs depending on how it is created? As in: is there a difference in growth characteristics depending on if this red in the spectrum is coming from a few red sup diodes or if its coming...
  18. Rocket Soul

    LM301H vs LM301H-EVO

    Although i do find this quite interesting its a bit hard to understand what you're arguing here. Seems to be that you should judge a spectrum on its highest peaks of red/blue rather than total amount of blue light vrs red light, is that right? Please correct me if i misunderstood. Youre judging...
  19. Rocket Soul

    Is PAR Just Another Gimmick?

    Seen it tested with a spectrometer. Not sure what else i can say to convince you.
  20. Rocket Soul

    LM301H vs LM301H-EVO

    AI: i think it would be hard to get an AI guided spectrum control to work right. Its a matter of datapoints; in order to train your ai you need data. The relevant data with regards to spectrum would likely be yield and quality (but i guess you could add more if creative) Both those datapoints...