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  1. F

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Helalthy Lady's
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    Greenpoint seeds!!

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    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Hi folks, what is the best time to switch from 18 Hours to 12 Hours? My Seedlings are now 11 Days old but i can't give all 6 enough time for Veggi maybe 25 Days in total bevore the tent is tight. I will Topp every one of them that's give them more time maybe 2 weeks.
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    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Nice Girls
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    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Really? That's actually a Piece of Shit practice
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    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Looking Fucking Outstanding
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    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Soaking ore Paper Towel are not ideal. I planting the Seeds direct in the Medium ore in Rootcubes and 4-6 Days the Seedlings are breaking out. Why taking the Risk to Hurting the Roots.
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    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Couldn't look Helathyer my GPS Lady's... Day 9 here. The Sour Cookies (in the white cups) little behind but that's the Genetics nothing wrong here :D couple Days before i transplant them in Beer Cups. I am very Happy so Far.
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    Greenpoint seeds!!

    How you try to Germ the Seeds?
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    Greenpoint seeds!!

    For Day 5 they all are Super Quick in Growth wow
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    Greenpoint seeds!!

  12. F

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    My GPS Seedling (Sour Cookies/left) (ice cream punch/right) are Super Helalthy... Defenetley great Genetics from the Growth standpoint.
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    When is time to change my Cob LEDs

    I thought the 3590 are New lol
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    When is time to change my Cob LEDs

    I have 2 x 3000k and 2 x 3500k i will change to 3500 Spectrum the more Blue is beneficial. Thx
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    When is time to change my Cob LEDs

    What have the 3590 better than the 3070?
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    When is time to change my Cob LEDs

    I can replace it but 3070 and 3590 are not diffrent? Do you think the driver can handle the 3590?
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    When is time to change my Cob LEDs

    I don't think i can change the chips on my LEDs.? This Panel i have 4 of them all 3070 if i can change the chips to 3590 i will do it!
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    When is time to change my Cob LEDs

    The Shop i have bought told me they loosing 25% after 3 years. Not true?
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    When is time to change my Cob LEDs

    I using cob LEDs 3070 i have bought 3 years ago it feels like they have loosing some power. When it's time to chance the led chips? Thanks
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    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Hi, how big are the chance that my 4 x ice cream punsh put out some purple colors? I love everything with purple in it. My 2 x Sour Cookies have "Animal Cookies" in maybe also a chance of some colurs ;)